Chapter Twenty Five

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"I can't wait to bring my baby home." I said as Chris headed to the front entrance of the hospital. He pushed my wheelchair slowly.

"Me too." he said sternly.

I looked at him. He acted so weird today and I wasnt feeling it.

"Chris what the matter with you?" I asked as we finna made it to the lobby.

I looked to see everyone was in there with balloons. It was like there they were waiting there. Everyone smiled at me as I rolled to the center.

"What's going on?" I asked.

Kaila twirled her finger around telling me to look around. I slowly turned around to see Chris kneeling on one knee with a little box opened to reveal a ring.

"Cali ever since I met you I knew there was something about you that I wanted. When I finally stopped and realized you were the one for me I had to make you my girl. Now I know we had our ups and downs but that ain't stop us from being us. You showed me so much and I would love if you showed me more, so Calisé Daniels.... Will you marry me?"

I smiled as tears fell down my face. I know I'm a big ole cry baby but I'm crying tears of joy. He has my heart and always will. I loved him as much as he loved me and I'll be damned of someone else had this.

"Yes." I said.

He slipped the ring on and got up to hug me. He started crying while everyone else clapped. I was finally happy.

"That's my baby right there!?" Momma said clapping loudly.

I looked around then at my baby. She opened her brown eyes and smiled. The girls ran up to me hugging me and staring at the baby.

"Y'all look so perfect together. The perfect family." Adrian said in awe.

I smiled, for a big guy he was a softie.

Chris wiped her tears and gave her a hug.

"So I'm still the maid of honor?" Kaila said raising a brow.

After we all met at home. They stayed until they said there goodbyes. Chris has gotten the girls asleep Essence was a quiet baby and was soon asleep after I fed her. As tired as I was I couldn't sleep. I had things on my mind.

"You good bae?" Chris said staring at me. He must have been for awhile.

"Was momma right about having a perfect family?"

He looked down at me and turned off the tv.

" Yeah why wouldn't we be?" he asked me.

"I don't know it's just our past is what made us now and we didn't have a great past."

" Our past may have made us what we are but it won't make us what we will be. We will be a perfect family and I'm dropping out the game. I gotta a family now and I can't risk that." he said.

I smiled. I loved how he was so sensitive and sensible. He was always a sweet talker.

"Well on another topic when is our wedding day?"

"Two weeks from now." he said.

"Two weeks? We still have to have everything ready the catering and seats and mus-"

He cut me off with a kiss.

"I got all that covered I got all the options and list of everything. All we gotta do and seal the deal. Then we leave for good." he said.

I smiled and he gave me another kiss.

"Now. I'm tired and we have a long two weeks and plus we got a newborn. We will start off wit your week." he said smiling.

I laid on his chest as he slowly drifted off to sleep. He started to snore but it was cute so it ain't bother me. I finally cleared my mine so I decided to head on to sleep....


I woke up to the kids playing and running around the room. Chris followed after them and I laughed.

"They won't take a bath." Chris said out of breath.

I got up out of bed and walked up to the girls.

"When daddy says it's time for a bath you get in there and take a bath. Now you know we have a new baby in the house so you can't be loud and rowdy no more. So if I gotta whoop some ass I will." I said.

They nodded and walked to the bathroom. Chris shook his head and smiled.

"The baby sleep." Chris whispered.

"That's good." I said giving him a kiss.

"Did you brush your teeth?" Chris asked me.

I pushed him in his chest and he laughed.

"I did actually." I said going to my bathroom.

He left and I gotten ready. He got all the kids ready and we headed on our way. Today we were choosing our theme for the wedding and our guest list.

We pulled up at this building. It was pretty nice and they had a childrens daycare/toy room. We met our wedding arranger. His name was Emanuel. He was on the brighter side so Chris wasn't jealous that he kept touching me.

"OK honey we have three options. There is the fall theme, paris or custom but if I were you I would pick fall because it's very rare and trendy. Melanin is always in."

"Umm Chris what do think?" I asked him.

"Its up to you baby." he said.

I smiled and had my final decision.

"Fall." I said.

Emanuel smiled and we had everything set. We had to come back tomorrow for the guest list and dress sizes.

We went home and laid the kids down. We finally had time to ourselves so we watched a movie.

"Chris." I said.

"Yea." He answered.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"Its just crazy though." I said.


"After everything we've been through we can finally live a happy life." I said.

"We always had a happy life its just something's got in the way but I get what you saying and baby im just glad to finally have my own family and a beautiful and rare woman to be my wife." he said.

I smiled and kissed him.

"Maybe it was meant to be."

"It was."

I smiled again. Finally I can be and have what I wanted.


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