Chapter Thirty: Epilouge

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Four Years Later

"Girls time for school!" I yelled from down stairs.

I heard footsteps running around the too floor before they finally came down the stairs. I smiled at my girls as it was their first day of school, Carmani now in 5th grade and Nyema in 2nd Essence who was now four had gotten her self ready for preschool.

"Mommy do we have to go to school?" Nyema whined. She clearly wasn't an early bird. She took hothead longest but she looked great. She reminded me so much of me when I was that age.

"Yes so you can get your education and grow up to be whatever you want to be." I gave her a little pinch on the cheek.

She nodded and I heard more footsteps. I turned smiling at my husband dressed in his business suit. I was beyond proud of him, he kept his promise of changing and after moving to New York we began branding a business together. He changed so much after for years and it did our family well. It had it's rough patches still with his mother pasting that New Years but with family it caused us to grow stronger. We all promise to live through her and I lived by that everyday.

"I think CJ is a little grumpy." He said, he had on his hip our 1 year old son Christian. Out of all of them he was the baddest. Doing everything from fighting to whining and just learned his first curse word. We banned curse words from our house hold but sometimes it slips and well, There's the consequences.

"Everybody is ready to go?" They all nodded.

We proceeded out the door and got into our cars. Me and Chris usually drove separate so we can do more things as once. While I dropped of the girls he'd take CJ to Crystals daycare. After that our days were together and we did everything in sync.

"Be safe my babies and I'll be here at 3! I love y'all!" I watched as Mani held Nyemas hand and walked to the little elementary building.

After dropping them of I went to Essence preschool. It was a 5 minute drive from the school and a much smaller building. I parked and walked with her to the entrance of the building.

"I'm scared mommy." She said.

"Don't be baby. It's just another step to becoming a big girl. You got this, you know why?"

"Because I'm a Stevens." She answered with a smile.

We walked in and there were some kids in there. They had little cubbies and the place was dimmed out with bright colors. We found her cubby and placed her things in there.

"You just me Essence Stevens and her mother." I turned to looked at the woman talking behind me. Her red lip stick smile spread across her face.

"I'm Angela Buckland but you're can call me Miss Buck. It's nice to meet you." She stuck her hand out and I shook it.

"Well it's nice to have another addition to my class. This year going to me magnificent! Why don't you find a table Essence, don't be afraid to make new friends!" She sounded more than energetic.

I gave a nod. I looked over at Essence who seem more comfortable. I mentally smiled and left.

I headed down to our building. It's been only two years since we actually hit it off in business, better known as urban estate where we created programs and had recreational centers for those in need, whether it be a homeless 45 year old to a pregnant 16 year old run away, for those past two years we helped hundreds of people and honestly I couldn't be more happier. Doing something that I love with who I love.

The Bluetooth on my aux when off and the name "KayKilla" sprung loudly. I smiled finally hearing from her and accepted the call.

"Hey my sweets!" I heard Kaila say. There was rummage in the back and I heard Dedrick yelling.

"Hey Kay, hows everything?" I asked as I pulled into a spot light.

"Great. The kids have been giving D a hard time and with all this wedding planning it's been busy."

I smiled, I was so happy that they finally were tying the knot. Not only so but they now had three kids, Kennedy, DJ and Devon. Kennedy was now four gon a on five and resembled her mother dearly, even with the twisted hair style that looked like hers.

"I can't wait to see y'all. Just a couple more weeks." She sounded happy, like when Essence sees a CoComelon on tv.

"I'm more than happy for you. I-"

A sudden call came through. "Hubby" flashed on the screen.

"Imma call you back, Chris is calling."

"Okay I love you see you soon."

I hung up and called Chris back.

"I'm sorry I was on the phone with Kaila, wassup?"

"We gotta situation. I need you here." I had timing just about right as I pulled up to the main building. I parked and switched to my phone.

"I'm outside." I said and hung up.

I walked in and my workers were doing their jobs. Consoling and helping those who need help. I went to my office where I heard talking. I opened the door to see Chris and a girl, beautiful her baby sat cradled in her arms with a big diaper bag at her side.Tears plastered on her face.

"She's lost contact with her parents. Her boyfriend-"

"Ex. Ex boyfriend." She said lowly.

"He's been searching for here. He outside na watching the place. She done been to the police, no help." He summed the quickest he could.

I looked at the girl. No older that 17, the same age I was when I had Nyema.

"Is there anywhere you can go? Any other relatives?" I asked.

She shook her head no.

"My parents are gone. My grandparents live out the country. And my brother-" she stopped.

"Say no more." I looked down at the baby and then at Chris. Why this girl reminded me of me. Once I was pregnant my dad  shunned me for a long time. I grandparents died when I was going and mani was young. I felt like I had nobody and I didn't like feeling that way. I feel like no one should even go through that.

"Chris baby, can you go get her a water or something?" He nodded and left the room.

"Look. My job is to help anyone and everyone in need. You remind me of a girl I've known before and I didn't have a chance to help her like I should have. I can help you, that's if you want it."

She looked at me. Tears staining her face. She nodded finally breaking down.

"T-thank you so much. I've prayed for so long for an angel, someone like you. You don't know how much this means to me. It's been so long since I've had any help."

I smiled.

"Whats your name love?"


Short little comeback but my new book teaser, who can think of what it is???

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2020 ⏰

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