5 - Suspicion

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Weeks passed and nothing happened. Emma was in a kindergarten and I picked her up after work. My boss never saw her again and Maria was still not home. I still wasn't sure how to tell her that I wouldn't need her service anymore, since she's been there for me since day one.

But in the moment I had other problems when I heard my office phone ring.
"Daniels industries, how may I help you?" I said.
"Yes, hello. Could I please speak to Nora Gray?" I heard a familiar voice ask and immediately straightened my back.

"Yes, Anne. This is me." I said to my daughter's kindergarten teacher.
"Oh god, Nora. Emma fell off the slide today when another child was pushing her. We're in the hospital right now. She was awake and she seemed alright, but I wanted to be sure." She informed me and my breath hitched.

"Oh my god, is she really okay?" I asked and stood up, not knowing what to do.
"Yes, she is fine. Just a bruise on her back. Do you want to take her home or shall I take her back to the kindergarten?" I heard her ask calmly.

"Of course I'd like to take her home. Wait for me, I'll get her now. What number? Floor?" I asked hectically.
"Second floor, wing two. 314A." She said and I hung up and quickly knocked on my boss' door. I barely waited for his 'come in' before opening the door.

"Sir, I need to go." I said, while digging my hand into my purse. I didn't even wait for his approval, before turning around. I heard him shout after me, but rushed towards the elevator, with my shaky hands still trying to find the car keys.

"Hey, hold on." I heard his voice, before the elevator doors could close. I groaned impatiently and watched him walk between the door of the elevator and staying.
"What are you doing? I really need to go." I said, annoyed because he was holding the elevator up.

"What happened, Miss Gray?" He asked me, concerned as he finally stepped in, letting the doors close. I wiped a hair off my forehead and continued my search for the keys.
"Emma fell off the slide and I need to get her from the hospital." I answered, getting frustrated with my purse.

"Ugh!" I started breathing faster each minute I wasn't with my daughter. I know Anne said she was okay, but I have to see for myself. I couldn't bear if something happened to my baby.
"Shh, calm down." He had the nerve to tell me as he took a hold of my shoulders.

"How can I calm down if my baby is in the hospital, probably crying?!" I yelled and he flinched. I didn't care that he was my boss. I'm sure if he knew she was his daughter, he would be just as outraged.

"What did you just say?" He asked, blinking and I looked up at him. Did I say that out loud? Oh Lord, please no.
"What?" I asked and the elevator doors took that time to finally open and I stepped out, still not having found my car keys.

"Let's take my car. It's faster anyways." He took a hold of my elbow and I followed him voluntarily. I knew he had a sports car, since he could afford it. We arrived at his car in under a minute and I didn't even let him be a gentleman and open the car door for me, because I was already inside.

"Seat belt." He ordered when he backed out of the parking spot. I fastened the seat belt and off we went. It was silent and I felt sick. Not only because my baby was in the hospital, but also because he was literally speeding.

"Miss Gray." I heard him say and looked over at him.
"Did I understand you correctly in the elevator?" He asked and I frowned.
"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You said 'If I knew she was my daughter, I would be as outraged'." He looked at me and I swallowed hard. Denial, denial.
"I didn't say that." I said.

"Yes, you did. I heard you." He fastened our pace.
"I know what I said, and I didn't say that." I griped the seat belt tight.
"So I'm hallucinating now, or what?" His voice was a little angry and I knew he was getting frustrated.

"Sir, why would I say that? Obviously she's not your child." I said and he nodded slowly.
"I know, but I could've sworn you said it." He said, but I didn't answer, since we were already at the hospital.

"You get inside, I'll look for a parking spot." I heard him order and nodded.
"Thank you." I quickly said and got out of the car. I rushed inside and it didn't take me long to find the room.

When I walked in, Anne was pacing the room and Emma was on the bed, playing with some dolls.
"Oh my god. Baby." I said and ran towards Emma's bed. Her eyes lit up when she saw me and I hugged her tight.

"Mommy!" She showed me her dolls and I nodded, stroking her cheek. She seemed alright and I was so relieved. Anne came towards me and I hugged her as well.
"She is fine. She has a few scratches on her arms and a bruise on her back." I heard Anne say and sighed. She was still hurt.

"Thank you for staying with her." I said and Anne nodded, patting my shoulder.
"I need to head back now. Get well soon, Emma." She turned towards her and patted her head. Emma smiled and got back to playing with her dolls.

After a last good bye, she left and I sat down next to Emma.
"Are you okay?" I asked her and she nodded, smiling at me. I felt my heart melt and closed my eyes, enjoying being with my daughter again.

Suddenly the doors opened and both me and Emma looked at the intruder.
"Hey." He said and smiled. I was surprised that he even came in. I actually forgot about him.
"It took a little while to find a parking spot." He said, nearing us.

"Oh-" I was about to answer, when the door opened again and a nurse walked in.
"You must be the parents of Emma." An older woman said as she glanced up. Her eyes lingered on my boss and he blinked in confusion.

"Don't I know you from somewhere?" She asked him and I looked at him.
"I don't think so, ma'am." He said politely. He took a few steps closer to the bed and I saw Emma stand up and crawl towards him on the bed.

He saw that too and smiled as she stood up on the blankets and opened her arms. Without hesitating, he took her in his arms and tickled her. Ugh!
"Oh, I know!" We turned our heads to look at her.

"You don't happen to be Nina's and Edward's son, Elijah?" She asked and my boss looked at her in surprise.
"Yes, but how-"

"Oh, I knew you looked familiar. You look just like your dad. And what's funny is, she looks just like your mom." The elder woman pointed at Emma in his arms and Mister Daniels raised an eyebrow, before glancing at me.

"Oh, no. He's not the father." I said, after clearing my throat. Was it okay to lie to a nurse?
"Could've fooled me. She looks exactly like Nina when we were younger." She continued and I gulped, before looking away from her and towards Emma.

"You know my mother?" He asked the woman in surprise, setting Emma down on the bed again. She crawled over to me and I took her, setting her on my lap.
"Yes, we grew up together. We're still in touch." She said and my boss nodded.

How much bad luck could a person possibly have? The nurse that was looking after my daughter was my daughter's father's mother's friend. Like seriously? Was that a joke?
No matter how hard this will get, I will not tell him.

I can't. Life is better without him knowing, especially now that everything was going well. I started dating a few days ago and the guy, Richard is really sweet. He still doesn't know I have a daughter, since she never came up. But I'll tell him next time, I know.

"Did you even hear what she said?" I snap out of my thoughts when I hear Mister Daniels' voice. The nurse was already gone and I cursed myself for spacing out.
"What?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"Listen, I'll ask you this just once and I expect you to tell the truth." He said seriously, coming closer to me with Emma in his arms again. When did that happen?
"Okay." I frowned and gulped.

"Is Emma my daughter?" He asked as he sat down on the edge of the hospital bed in front of me. Emma looked between me and her dad in confusion. I gulped and shook my head. I can't.

"No, she's not."

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