Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I woke up to the sound of shuffling behind my door. I tippy toed over to it and pressed my ear against it. I grabbed my bat ready to defend myself.
"Is she okay? I'm going to go in and see her." It was Xavier's rough voice. I ran and jumped on my bed. I covered myself and closed my eyes. The door opened right at the exact moment. My bed sinked when he sat down. I pretended to wake up and I smiled at him, A real smile.
"I heard about your little accident. It doesn't seem like Esmeralda the Great." He teased me.
"Shut up. I got hurt you should be treating me like a baby." I smiled at him. Around my brother all my worries lifted. Being chased by murdering angels. Angles who hurt me but are still good. Angle.. I guess he is one.. Who want me to leave with them. And being an angle some how for some reason I'm guessing. It all vanished like it was nothing but a simple dust.
"Ehh you're to old to be treated like that. Anyways I thought you were the brave one. But I guess you aren't." He taunted me.
"So now you listen to me? Only for you convenience I see. Well what did I expect you are a cheater at everything. You know if you were in La Vegas you would be shot in the face for cheating in cards." I shot back.
"That was one time. Anyways I learned my lesson." He said nonchalant.
"Mmm well who exactly taught you that lesson? Hmm? Yeah that's right me." I taunted him.
"Shut up. So tell me how your feeling?"
Considering my life is going crazy because some stupid angels... "I'm doing pretty fine. Just a little sore." But for sure it isn't the accident.
"Well that's my sister. The toughest of us all. Are you hungry? I know I am. Lord I have a lot to tell you. I'll tell you at the table. Our dear brother did some pretty stupid stuff." He started walking towards the door and I got off the bed. "You just won't believe it at all." He opened the door and I shoved him outside.
"Alright you can tell me every detail after I get dressed." I closed the door and went through my wardrobe. I went with a soft pink simple flower lace dress and white ballet shoes. I put my hair up in a pony tail and some of my hair from the front hung out. They curled into perfect curls that satisfied me.
When I arrived to the dinning room it was filled with life. Here and there people were walking back and forth. They were setting the table and dusting up the room. I sat down across from Xavier and he continued his story.
"So there was these prostitutes.."
"Oh my dear Lord there was prostitutes!" I exclaimed. He nodded as if that was something to be proud of. I shook my head and he continued.
"Anyways there was this brunet and her name was mittens..."
"Mittens?" I raised my eye brows chuckled.
"Yes mittens. Are you going to let me finish? Or are you going to interrupt me every five words?" Xavier asked sounding a tid annoyed.
"Okay okay continue with your story." I said. I pretended to zip my lips, lock them, and threw away the key.
"That's much more better. Where were we?... Oh yeah that's right Mittens. Well she came up to Brian and you know how Brian gets with brown headed gals. So she goes over to him and he stats bitting the inside of his cheek. She says..." He starts imitating a girls voice." 'hey there big boy remember me?' And than Brian jumps up and spills his drink all over her. And guess who it was?" He asked me.
"Who?" I asked shoving a slice of orange in my mouth.
"Linda Graham." He said excitedly. I spit my orange out.
"Oh no. You're lying."
"I'm not. It's the truth."
"More chapters to the Brian & Linda diaries?" I said smiling mischievously.
"Yes, this so beat chapter 6. The one where Brian falls in the mud pit and brings Linda down with him." Xavier said between laughs.
"I remember that one. I've never seen a pig so angry before. And the look on his face." Tears were running down my face. I was holding my stomach since it was starting to cramp. Brain came in and it just made us laugh more. I heard a slam where Xavier had fallen to the ground where he went to far back. I heard the screech of Brian pulling away the chair. I hear some more foot steps and it was if someone pulled a switch in me. I wipe the tears out of my eyes as Max sat at the table. Xavier smiled at me and I chuckled back.
I guess now the problems are too big to go away.
"Anyways after that I didn't see both of them for a long time. And when I did they were both two big messes...." Xavier continued with his story and Brian interrupted every moment of it. I laugh smiled and chuckled in the appropriate times but it felt more of force than enjoyment.
When breakfast was over I excuses myself to my room. Once I was safely in my room did I realize what kind of trouble I really was in. I didn't even have to try to make my life go upside down. Funny how life is fragile. But one never knows until their world is blown away by just the snap of one's fingers.
I have to get out of here and think. I need to leave and take a breath. Figure out what my next step is. I can't just sit here and wait for my killers. I need to figure this out. I went to my wardrobe and went to the bottom of it. I pulled off the secret compartment and took out the clothes in there. There was a pair of plaid cream colored pants, a cream colored buttoned up shirt and brown leather boots. The clothes were once white but after many uses they turned cream. I pulled my hair up an stuck it in a men's cap that I had. I put on the clothes and boots and walked towards the door.
I opened the door and stuck my head out. There was no one in the hallway and went to the wall across from mine. I pushed on it and a secret door opened up. This was where the maids went through when guests were here so that it wouldn't take up space. I never liked the fact that they used them. They were not mice but they wanted to do it. My parents gave them a choice and they chose the old fashion way. Usually the compartment was really busy but it was morning so it wasn't used yet. I still used precaution going downstairs I've had several run ins with the maids from time to time and I didn't want to run into them now. Not today.
At the end of the hallway there was a door that led outside. I opened it and it creeped after many uses. I ran from field to field blending in with the workers. I got to the end of the plantation and bolted to the forest. I hid behind the closest tree and peeked out to see if anyone saw me. There was several workers who looked at my direction but I stuck my finger towards the barn. They nodded and knew what they were suppose to do.
Once I knew I was safe I ran. I ran as fast as I could go. I ran to the limit were my legs stated twitching and burning but I just kept running. I ran to the point were I was soaked in sweat but I just kept running. I knew I was far from home but it was better than being close were everyone I know can get hurt. I finally stopped running when I felt blisters growing and I couldn't run anymore.
I leaned against a tree and sank to the ground. I pressed my back against the trunk and took in sharp breaths. I looked at the ground and concentrated on every spec of dirt. I could feel my lungs burn so hard trying to fix itself from bursting. My heart was pumping up blood through my body fast. I knew I was to the point to where a person would die, but am I not an angel now? Do I have limits? Or is everything unlimited? Do I have limits? There is just one way to find out.
I got up ignoring the agonizing pain. I ran a little longer and I came to a stop. I was standing at the end of a cliff and the waves were crashing. The wind started blowing hard where I stood and across I could see the road we took when we got out of town. I could see a carriage going by.
This was it. It was time to test my limits. Even if it takes me life.
I looked once down. I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes. I ran and than jumped. I could feel the rush of the air as I fell to my possible death. I braced myself for the pain to come.

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