Chapter 7.

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"Um, it's our english class together, are you coming?" Harrison's deep voice brings me out of my trance, as I purse my lips, slightly nodding.

"How'd you know I was in the same class with you?" I say, as I begin to walk with him next to me. Why is Harrison Sawyer even walking with me?

"Because you're not invisible, Maire," he slightly chuckles, making me bite my lip as I keep on walking.

"I thought I was invisible to everyone here," I mutter, but he unfortunately catches my sentence and sighs deeply.

"Not to me," his words come out of his mouth, causing me to look up at him. A small smile reaching his lips as soon as our eyes meet.

Don't. You. Dare. Blush. Maire. Stephen.

I quickly look away from him, on the ground as I bite my lips, clutching on to my jumper tightly. We soon enter our english class and I expect him to leave me and join his friends on the front seat, but he simply waves at them and follows me to one of the back seats, making me look up at him in confusion, as I knitt my eyerbrows together.

"I'm sitting with you if you don't have a problem," he softly speaks, reading my expressions as I quickly shake my head and grant him the space to take a seat beside me, and I flop down on my seat, still confused as if why Harrison is being friendly with me.

It's not like Harrison is a bad guy or anything, but he is the famous guy and all that stuff. So I'm still confused with his behaviour towards me, not that I'm not liking it, but it's something new to me.

From the corner of my eyes, I look at him and catch him already staring at me, not in the creepy way though. He quickly clears his throat once he notices that I caught him staring at me.

"Um, are you coming to the game tonight?" He almost whispers and I turn my head to look at him.

"Uh, not exactly," I answer him, slightly shaking my head as I notice a frown appearing on his face.


"I don't know..I just.." I try to think of a reason to come up with, but I can hardly think of anything.

The real reason of I, not attending the football game of our school is that.....wait, I seriously have no reason to not go.

"I'd love to see you there--I mean, you won't get bored and it would be fun.." he trails off with hoping eyes as he scratches the back of his neck, pouting his lips.

His emerald eyes stare at me with a hope of a positive answer as I again try to think of any reason to come up with to politely refuse him.

The problem is, I don't even know why I don't want to go. Maybe it's because I'm not into sports, or maybe it is because I would have no company and will just sit there alone while the others enjoy with their friends, or maybe it is because of both the reasons.

"Maire?" Harrison's deep voice again snaps me out of my trance as I look up at him, and he gives me a slight smile, his dimples appearing on his cheeks. "Will you come?"

I run my tongue over my lower lip and let out a sigh before finally nodding and Harrison's smile widens as he mutters a 'thank you' to me.

It was difficult to say no to him when he was asking me in that way. Watching that game for few hours won't be that bad I guess, at least not bad than hearing aunt Georgia yell at me to do her work at home.

Our English class ends after a while, with Harrison trying to be in a conversation with me during the class and I didn't even mind his company. He looks like a nice guy, but I'm still surprised because of his behaviour.

Our Modern Fairytale (ZM) [COMPLETED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz