Chapter 15.

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My eyes open when I feel someone nudge my arm slightly. Opening my eyes, they land on the smiling nurse standing in front of me. I give her a slight smile and she mouths me a good morning. Before I can reply her she motions for me not to make a noise. I squint my eyes at her in confusion which causes her to point at something beside me. I slightly tilt my head which collides with something. Zayn's face. Widening my eyes, I look at him to notice he's still fast asleep. The position we are in right now is quite surprising for me, with my head on his chest and his arm around my waist holding me closer to him.

Nina, my nurse leans forward whispering something in my ears, making me look away from Zayn and focus on what she is saying.

"He just slept half an hour ago. He's been up all night, going all crazy whenever he heard you whimper in your sleep. I have lost the count of how many times this poor guy stormed outside to call us and check on you." She whispers in my ear and pulls back giving out a chuckle, looking at Zayn.

I slowly turn my head sideways to again look at Zayn who is peacefully sleeping and lightly snoring as well, causing a light chuckle to escape from my mouth. He looks so much at peace right now. Whatever the nurse told me right now about Zayn, formed a smile on my lips as I look up at him in admiration. His long eyelashes resting on his cheeks, pink lips slightly parted, a light scruff coming on his chin.

He really is beautiful..or handsome..or attractive or whatever good adjectives there are to describe him.

Never have I ever imagined admitting these thoughts about him to myself.

"Maire," Nina catches my attention, making me stop admiring Zayn and look at her. "You can continue admiring your boyfriend later, kiddo. I know I'll do that too if I had such a charming boyfriend." She chuckles, causing a blush to appear on my face as I look away from her-at the painting behind her in embarrassment.

Only if you knew, that this person next to me isn't my boyfriend.

"But right now we got to give you this injection for the pai-" before even she can complete her sentence my eyes widen at the long syringe in her hands, making her raise her eyebrow at me. "Uh oh, no love, don't panic again this time. It's fine." She reaches out her hand to caress the back of my hand but I continue staring with wide eyes at the injection, with my chest rising up and falling in a quice pace as I try to back away from her.

Yesterday when they tried to give me an injection, it resulted in me crying like a baby, screaming and then finally passing out of the fear. It's not my fault, I have a huge fear of injections along with other weird phobeas I have which result in me passing out right there and then.

"No, no, no, please not again!" I quickly raise my voice, gulping hardly and backing away from her with a heavy breathing. I complete forget about Zayn sleeping beside me right now and start panicking at the sight of Nina coming closer to put those scary needles inside me.

"No! Oh my God, no. I'll take all the medicines b-but j-just not this thing. P-please." I beg and hear a groan come out of Zayn's mouth as I look up at him to see his eyes open and staring at me in confusion.

"What's wrong?" He asks in a morning raspy voice, causing the already active goosebumps on my skin to rise more. I feel completely bad for waking him up by panicking just because of an injection. He seriously is going to think I'm crazy.

Who gets scared of injections?

"Oh my God, are you going to put this thing inside of her?" I hear Zayn say to Nina with his widen eyes. Fear is prominent in his hazel eyes as he looks up at Nina.

"Jesus. This is so scary, no don't give her this!" He raises his voice, getting away from me. Although Nina is standing at my side, but he still is scooting away.

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