Chapter Two

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"How did it go?" Kiara asked me as I turned the television off. "The interview I mean." She said, clarifying.

"It went... okay I guess." I said and she nodded, telling me to explain everything in detail, down to what color suit he wore. "It was all black with a maroon button up." I told her and she fanned herself.

"Did you check him out? Like flat out obviously check him out? I feel like I would have and he'd hate me." She told me and I nodded.

"I did, but not that much. I was too nervous to really take in how utterly attractive that man is." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"My jaw would be on the floor and I'd be on my knees the second he said my name. Girl, you don't even know." She told me and I laughed.

"He told me to meet him on Monday." I said and she nodded. "I'm worried."

"If he told you to meet up again, I'm sure there's nothing to worry about." She told me as the doorbell rang. "It must be Jonah."

"Oh no, I want to sleep tonight Ki!" I said and she laughed as she opened the door, allowing her boyfriend in.

"There's my girl," he said and gave Kiara a kiss on the lips. "There's my rat."

"Look what the cat dragged in from hell." I said and stood up. He rolled his eyes and I gave him a hug. "How you been?"

"Good," he said and I sat back down. I picked up my carton of chow mein and then my fork since I couldn't work chopsticks. "How'd the job interview go?"

The lady at the store nearly killed me when I asked for plastic forks rather than chopsticks.

"It wasn't bad. He wants to meet up again to talk." I told him and he said that was a good sign. "I hope, I don't have any other backup plans. I'll probably have to work as a batista or cashier or a retail job if I don't get this."

"I think you got this in the bag." Kiara said and I shrugged as Jonah agreed.

The two sat down on the loveseat and I sat alone on a chair with cartons of food. "This sums us up pretty well." I said and Kiara looked at me.

"Your sad, lonely, food filled life and my less sad, less lonely, dick filled life." She said and I choked as Jonah laughed, covering her mouth.

"You okay there Monica?" He asked and I hit my chest a bit, drinking water to help it go down.

"I literally almost died, Jesus Kiara. Go to church. Read a bible. Become one with God." I said and Jonah laughed.

"Become one with me, you know what I'm saying-"

"A date inside of Church doesn't sound that bad." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"So you meeting up with Mr. Mendes on Monday?" She asked and I nodded. "Good thing I'm off, guess who's picking your outfit, fixing your hair, and doing your makeup? Don't guess actually, it's me."

"Of course it is. Who else would do it? Jonah?" I asked and he laughed.

"Don't tempt me. I know my way with a brush and a blender, my girl works as a stylist after all." He told me and I rolled my eyes as they turned the television on.

"Have your parents called you yet?" He asked me and I shook my head. "No?"

"Nope." I told him and set my food down. "It's whatever. I don't need them. I left them, they didn't leave me."

"I know Monica but still, wouldn't it be nice for them to call?" He asked and Kiara made him stop talking... by slamming her lips against his.

"I don't really care if they call or not." I told him and stretched. "I need a shower, I be in the bathroom."

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