Chapter Nineteen

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"You and Shawn?"

"Over." I told KiKi over FaceTime. She smiled sadly and I shook my head. "I'm going back to LA soon. I was supposed to go with him to his award show tonight, but he's going alone."

"What happened?"

"Promise me you won't get mad?" I asked and she nodded. "We never really were together. We kinda tried the whole Sugar Daddy thing... except he was supposed to teach me how to make and produce music. He never did though, so he basically used me."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because it's embarassing to be so dependent on someone! He was buying me everything. You're out working and I'm being spoiled rotten." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"I'm mad, but not so much at you. Was he at least good in bed?" She asked and I gasped. "It's Shawn Mendes! I want to know!"

"That's personal. He fucked me over but what's personal between us, stays personal." I said and she nodded, telling me I was too good of a person. "Yeah..."

"Who's that?" I heard G asked and he laid beside me on the hotel bed. He looked at the camera and smiled. "Hey."

"Holy shit." KiKi gasped and I facepalmed. "Hi. I'm KiKi."

"I'm Jack, are you a friend of Moni's?" He asked and she nodded. "The one who yells at her for her fashion sense?"

"That would be me." She confirmed and I laughed as Jack nodded. "Aren't there two of you?"

"JJ is showering right now. We gotta look good, show Shawn that we're all clean without him. Jack and I are nominated for best duo, so we gotta go." Jack told her and she hummed.

"What hotel are you guys in? Taylor's tour is stopping by that city soon and she wants the best." She said and we told her. "I'll make sure she stays there. If someone as high maintenanced as Mendes stays there, it must be good."

I laughed and Jack just rolled his eyes. "That's your friend, I'm sorry." I said and he shrugged.

"He can be high maintenanced." He agreed and I nodded as KiKi told us she had to go, duty calls. "Bye then."

"Bye Ki! See you soon baby." I said and we blew each other kisses before ended the call. I sighed and set my phone on my chest. "I miss LA."

"Same." He said and I chuckled as he smiled. "My girl lives there. As soon as we go back tomorrow morning, I'm going to go see her. I bet you two would be best friends." He told me and I nodded.

"I'd love to meet her." I told him and he said I will be able to tomorrow. "What's her name again? Maddie?"

"Madison, we call her Mads." He said and I nodded as he turned his phone on. He opened his Instagram and then showed me a recent picture of her. "That's my sweater. She stole it, but it's okay because she looks better in it than I do."

"She's beautiful." I said and he nodded as I folded my hands behind my head. He went on and on about her, and I wish I had someone who would do that about me.

"Hey G pass me my-"

JJ walked out of the bathroom with a towel hanging around his waist loosely and I looked at the ceiling immediately, blushing slightly. "You said she was asleep!"

"She was! She woke up in the middle of your shower!" Jack said and I nodded, unable to stop myself from looking at him.

"Pass me my bag." JJ said and G did as he said. "You going to get dressed soon?" He asked me and I scoffed.

"I am dressed."

"Sweats and a hoodie?" They both asked me and I nodded as I sat up. "No. Absolutely not." G said and I rolled my eyes.

"I have no one to impress. I impressed myself already, I actually have clothes." I told them and I heard a suitcase unzip. "Are you going through my bag?"

"Yes." G said and I laughed. "What in here is presentable?"

"Everything I had that Shawn bought, I gave away and sold to stores earlier. All I have is like skinny jeans and basic things." I told them and G laughed.

"I would have sold it too." He said and I nodded. "Guess we either gotta get you something or you can wear like jeans and a nice shirt maybe."

"No, don't you dare buy me anything else but that plane ticket." I said and JJ spoke up, now with boxers on and a towel around his shoulders

"Come on-"


"Not even a dr-"




"Fine." G huffed and JJ just nodded as I sat up, pulling my legs up to my chest. There was a knock on the door and JJ went to open it. "If it's he-who-shall-not-be-named, tell him she isn't here and left city last night." G whispered and JJ nodded.

"I'm not an idiot."

"Hey, didn't say you were." G said and laughed as I heard the hotel door open. I heard a familiar voice and I scrambled to the door.



We fell on to the floor and JJ laughed, telling us we should come inside and stay quiet before security comes in. We nodded and then stood up, walking inside of the room.

"What are you doing here?" G asked and KiKi smiled as she waved at him. "I'm so confused."

"It's an award show dummy, Taylor Swift is obviously nominated and going. Which means I have to go too." She said and she looked at me. "This also means, you're coming with me because if you go with them, rumors."

"Yeah that's true. We don't want that." G said and JJ nodded, having a pair of pants on already. "You still gotta look good though. The afterparty is almost better than the award show itself."

"I guess." I said and KiKi hummed as she looked at me. "Stop eye raping me."

"Totally." She rolled her eyes and nodded. "Mendes will wish he never fucked up." She smiled and G tossed her some clothes.

She looked through them and then handed them to me. "You'll need to get dressed if we're getting you all dolled up."


"You let her buy you things but not us?" JJ asked and I nodded. "Why?" He complained and I played with my hair.

"I knew her longer." I told him and he huffed as he nodded, telling me the bathroom was mine right now.

"I think if Shawn got so pissed over something as small as you and J being friends, he isn't worth trying to impress." G said and KiKi looked at me. "Not like impress, but you know, like-"

"Yeah, I know." I said and I sighed. "Is can't tell who fucked up, me or him. I mean... maybe I blew it out of proportion?"

"Or maybe he lied to you and used you and didn't hold up his end of the promise?" G retorted and I shrugged as I sighed.

"Yeah, he did do that huh?" I said, wondering why I found myself doubting my side of the story. He's the one who didn't hold his end of the deal. I shouldn't defend him.

"Come on girl, I gotta make you look cuter than you already are." KiKi told me and winked. "You're gonna look so good, G might just have to join in on this love triange."

"No, I'm sorry but I got Mads, I don't need no other girl. You're beautiful, but Madison is my one and only." G said and I laughed as I nodded.

"It's not really a love triangle." JJ said and scratched the back of his neck. "We're just friends."

"Mhm." G rolled his eyes and Johnson crossed his arms. "Let's go, but first, go get dressed. You look like shit."

"You look like shit, shut up."

"Now he's gonna have to change." JJ groaned and I shrugged and KiKi forced me into the bathroom before G could go inside.

"Shawn's gonna wish he never let you walk out of that door." My best friend told me and kissed my forehead before helping me get dressed.

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