Chapter Thirteen

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When Kaiden woke up, he groaned at the sore pain he felt throughout his body. His arm felt the most sore, so he rolled onto his other side to avoid crushing it and causing it to hurt.

Why did it hurt? And why near the elbow, of all places?

Then he realized that he was lying on something that was too soft to be the floor. His eyes snapped open to see pillows and sheets.

His bed? How did he get there?

More importantly, where was he last and what had happened?

He quickly sat up and looked around. He was still wearing the clothes from yesterday, which was basically his sleeping pants and a random shirt. At that moment, he forgot why he was wearing a shirt, since he usually slept without a shirt.

The next thing he noticed was that curtains weren't drawn like usual, since Kai had a habit of doing so before he changed back. So if Kai didn't leave him there, then who did?

And why did he feel as if he was forgetting something really important? Something taunted him in the back of his mind.

He glanced over at the clock, wondering what time it was. It was only nine in the morning, the sun was shining brilliantly outside.

Finally, he noticed the dust on his hands, near his knuckles.

That part seemed familiar to him. Whenever he had woken up with dust on his knuckles, it usually meant that Kai had punched something. Usually a wall, speaking from experience.

Kaiden groaned. Kai must have trashed another room. But where or why?

He just hoped that Kai didn't scare away yet another person.

Kaiden slid off his bed, determined to find something that would remind him of what had happened the night before. The confused expression on his face changed to annoyance. He hated not knowing or remembering things, having so many questions, and dealing with Kai's messes.

As he walked towards his closet to change, he passed by the mirror. Something made him stop to look.

His hair was its usual stylish mess and he looked normal. But his green eyes had some golden specks in them. Not enough to be alarmed, but enough to be concerned.

It was a little stranger than usual. Typically, after he changed back to normal, his eyes stayed green until he got angry or if Kai was trying to take control.

The evidence of golden flecks in his eyes made him wonder what happened. He felt as if maybe Kai had unfinished business from last night, or something forced him change back.

Then, the memories flooded back to him. His eyes widened as he received all of the information.

He remembered everything from last night. From Annabelle knocking on his door to him kissing her before he changed.

But he especially remembered the surprise guest Annabelle had showed him to. His older brother.

"Sebastian," he muttered to himself in the same disbelieving tone he had last night.

Sebastian still looked the same, despite the years. The rugged, charming looks they shared were eerily similar. All except for their eye color.

But that cocky, arrogant smile bothered him. The bastard knew he was irritating him, with his calmness and fake-innocence. And then he insinuated that he and Annabelle had some sort of a moment!

A hint of anger returned to him as he paced around in his room. How dare he return to the castle? But more importantly, where was he now?

If only he had followed him to wherever he had escaped to. But he had been stopped by Kai and Annabelle.

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