Chapter Twenty Seven

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"Did you get the potions as well?" Belle heard a man's voice.

Where was she? Why did her head hurt so much?

"Yes, Luther. I also brought her back as well, just as you asked," a woman said. "Why do you want her? Kaiden claimed that she wasn't yours."

Kaiden? What about him? Where was he?

"The hell she isn't. That damn bastard corrupted her. And why do you care? You volunteered to do it because you needed the money," the man's voice snarled.

"You make me sound like some desperate beggar," the other voice complained. "And I was just wondering. It's just that he seems very attached to her. You know, he has a higher position than you and he might pull some strings to get what he wants."

"I know that. You don't need to remind me," the man said. "I'm ready for that."

Belle wanted to open her eyes. But she also worried that if she did, they might stop talking and revealing information. It was easier to hear things if they didn't think she was awake.

"What's everyone obsession with her? You and Kaiden both. I mean, she's pretty but what else?" the woman asked.

"She is the most beautiful creature I've laid my eyes on. I'm sure the duke would agree." A pause. "Don't scowl at me, I'm giving my opinion. But I want her because she's the one thing I don't have. She's rejected me so many times. Do you know what that does to one's ego? She's the perfect prey for a hunter like me. The one that keeps escaping, but ultimately gets caught."

There was another pause. "You seem so sure of yourself. What makes you think she'll like you back. It looked like she was attached to Kaiden as well," the woman said.

"I'll handle that. But what does she not like about me? I'm handsome, I have wealth and power, I'm the most sought out bachelor in town, because the duke doesn't even bother coming out of that castle of his. Even then, I'm strong, my sword-fighting and hunting skills make me manly," the man boasted.

"No wonder..." the woman muttered.

"What was that?" the man asked. Belle guessed that from his tone, he was probably glaring at the woman. Whoever she was.

"Nothing, dear cousin. I didn't say anything."

Belle's mind was still a little foggy. She was trying to figure out who the two people were. They sounded familiar. She tried to replay their conversation in her head, since when she had regained consciousness.

She swore she heard the woman say Luther's name. Was Luther the man then? And then just now, the woman referred to him as her cousin. Who was Luther's cousin?

Unfortunately, even if her head was in top shape, she wouldn't be able to answer it. She didn't care about Luther at all and didn't bother knowing about his life or family. The only important thing that she had needed to remember was that he was a viscount.

Who did they keep talking about? A girl for sure, because they kept mentioning 'her' and saying 'she'. Or was it Belle herself?

Her fingers twitched involuntarily, rubbing against smooth, fine thread. Whatever she was lying on must be expensive. Maybe she could try to peek to see what her surroundings looked like and perhaps who was in the room with her.

Her eyelids opened up a fraction, allowing her to quickly observe the room. It was a nice room, expensively furnished but it had dark lighting. But that must've been the result of the closed curtains that she saw from the corner of her eye.

As for the people, her first guess was right: Luther was the man. The woman, however, looked familiar but she didn't know her name. Belle closed her eyes and tried to match her face with an event. Once she did, it might clue her of the woman's identity.

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