Beauty's Remorse

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Dear (F/n) (L/n),

I would like to congratulate you on your excellent service that you have provided to the company. The Tinkerer's Treasure couldn't ask for a better employee. I've been told that you hold quite the love for toys and that you treat them with the respect they deserve. It feels me with great joy to know that there's someone like you within the shop. Such dedication deserves a promotion, and I'd be happy to give you one if I were able. Sadly, the owner of the store is in charge of that matter. I have a less desirable task.

Thus, it pains me greatly to give you this news. Despite your stellar service, I must inform you that you will no longer be working at The Tinkerer's Treasure. A coworker of yours has made several complaints, and I can't brush that aside. I will not disclose the complaints, since the individual has requested that I withhold from doing so. Granted, I did investigate them in my spare time and have found them to be true.

So, even though the customers delight in your service to them, I can no longer have you at the store. The coworkers are also an important aspect of the company. Thus, there will be no reason to work today, since you are dismissed. You'll receive your paycheck for your other shifts this week but that will be the last one. I apologize for being the bearer of bad news.

Department Head of Labor

(F/n) just stood completely still in the backroom, but soon her hands began to tremble. What complaints had been made, but more importantly who made them? Matilda and Tiona were incredible coworkers. Of course, they could have been spreading gossip behind her back, but they weren't like that. At least they didn't seem to be.

Thus, she pushed them aside for the moment, and realization hit her like a knife in the back. Edgar was the only other employee she knew, and he knew the company owner directly. He could've very easily talked to the owner behind her back and caused him to report the complaints to the company's labor department head.

She could fight this, but what could she do against Edgar. He had worked for the toy store presumably longer than she and was childhood friends with the owner; she had nothing in this case. Her dream job had been swiped from her in just a little over two weeks. Frankly, she just couldn't understand how he could do such a thing. If anyone should be complaining, it should be her, since she was the one being constantly teased by him. What had she ever done against him?

More than that, she felt as though she were a mirror being shattered. Everything fell to the ground only to be ruined more. She had feelings for him and had dealt with his vague personality, yet he does this? Of course, it could be one of her other coworkers, but it just made more sense being Edgar. Why had she agreed to go to dinner with him; why hadn't she just kept her distance? Her emotions had gotten the better of her, and she hated this fact. If only she had taken his obscure personality as a warning sign.

Pushing herself off of the desk, she stuffed the letter in her crossbody and headed back into the main room. Matilda looked at her questioningly, and (f/n) just shook her head before mouthing a goodbye to Matilda. The woman understood the gesture and gave (f/n) a sympathetic look. After the exchange, the (h/c)-haired girl left the store. Tiona would come in for her shift an hour later; meaning Matilda would have no choice but to work overtime.

Not glancing back at the store, (f/n) practically ran for her apartment. She didn't care if she received strange stares from those on the sidewalk around her. At the moment she just desired to get home and crawl under a plush blanket on her couch, while watching some cartoon. With this in mind, she paid little attention to her surroundings. Thus, she once again didn't notice the male in the coffee shop, which was across from her apartment.

A wide grin covered his lips, as he saw her retreat into her apartment. It was pity that he couldn't see her expression close up but that would change soon. He would give her a few minutes to herself, since he was that considerate. Afterwards, though, he would knock on her door and make sure that he got inside. There was still news to tell her. Like usual he just wanted to extend the game out longer.

When two minutes had passed, he decided to wait longer, meaning three more minutes. Once those minutes were gone, he stood up from his seat and left the coffee shop. Crossing the street, he went straight for her apartment. With no hesitation, he knocked on the door and waited. Personally, he expected her not to open the door upon seeing that it was him, since he figured that she would look through her peephole in her door. Apparently, that assumption was wrong.

"I'm glad you're here. I want to talk to you," she voiced, a look of hatred burning in her (e/c) eyes, however, it was evident that she was previously crying.

"Funny, I needed to talk to you as well," he answered, walking into her home, while she closed the door and locked it.

Before he could even say another word, he was abruptly turned around and slapped hard across his left cheek. Afterwards (f/n) began to yell furiously at him, "How dare you! How could you get me fired after what happened last night? I knew you were a jerk at times, but this crosses the line. I've lost my dream job because of you! Does that mean anything to you?! Or are you really just a heartless b*stard, who only played games with me?!"

During her rant he rubbed his cheek with his left hand, listening in amusement. Of course, he wasn't heartless. Most would probably consider him more than a jerk, but he cared greatly for (f/n), otherwise he wouldn't be playing games with her. She was his perfect toy, and she belonged by his side. He would make sure that she never left his side. Thus, when she took a breather, he replied, "Before you get any more violent, (f/n), you need to give me a chance to explain."

"What?! I think that letter I received explains enough. A coworker apparently reported several complaints about me. You're the only one I know who would do such a thing. Moreover, you even managed to get the head of labor to spy on me to see if these complaints were true, though; this head of labor never wrote what those complaints were. Why did you go to such lengths to get me fired?" she added, as her eyes returned to being watery from absolute frustration.

"To get you a better job of course, though, was it that obvious that I was the one who complained?"

"Yes, it was. Matilda and Tiona would never do such a thing, Edgar. Now what do you mean?" she asked, brushing some tears aside, but her anger remained present. Granted, curiosity joined it now.

"Just come with me, and I'll show you."

"No, I'm not falling for that again. I went to dinner with you last night and look what happened. I lost my job, and now you claim that I'll receive a better one? I doubt it. So, if you want to prove my skepticism wrong, you'll answer me here and now."

"So you're going to be stubborn, then?" he inquired, receiving a nod from her. After sighing at this, he smiled and answered, "Alright, I understand, (f/n), though, I'm not going to let you win. So, I will stay here until you decide to come with me," he added before going over to her couch and sitting himself down.

"What?! I'm not letting you stay here. You're not welcome. If you don't leave, I'm kicking you out."

"Then, why aren't you doing so? Are you not able to keep your word? Are your feelings for me getting in the way, (f/n)?" he asked, peering over his left shoulder at her and smirking.

Becoming infuriated by this, she marched over to him and went to push him off her couch. This didn't exactly go as planned, though. Instead, Edgar casually grabbed her left arm and pulled her over the couch and onto his lap. "You'll have to try harder than that if you want me out, (f/n). Now, just to take your phone, so you don't call for help," he stated before swiftly taking her phone, which he saw residing in her right jeans' pocket. Next, he tossed it far across the room and wrapped his left arm around her waist and arms. "Now, what are you going to do?"

Rather than answering, she struggled against his hold. Despite her rage at him, she could still feel the heat rise in her cheeks. Her conflicting emotions were obviously not aiding the situation. When she saw that her attempts were clearing failing, she settled down and resorted to scowling at him.

"As cute as you are right now, I really would like to take you to your new job," Edgar voiced, now wearing a neutral expression.

"Well, you're going to be waiting a long time, then. Besides, I can't even move at the moment, so right now that fault falls on you. So, I suggest you let me go, Edgar," (f/n) uttered, continuing to glare at him. She refused to go with him, though; the slow forming smirk on his lips was quite worrying.  

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