{Chapter 11}

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My Possessive Vampire Boss

_Chapter 11_

For the rest of the day, I hadn't seen Mr. Black at all and I'm so scared to go into his office. There are a few and when I say few, I mean a lot of people that have gone in there and always come out terrified and some even crying. Mostly girls but there were some boys too. He's just having a bad day, at least I hope he is.

When I walk out of the building, I see Adrian waiting by his car. He's waiting for me. Awe, that's so sweet of him. "Have you been waiting for a long time?" I ask. "No, not really. Maybe like two or three minutes but I would wait forever for you" He says and I giggle. We get in the car, and he drives to who knows where.

"Adrian?" I ask him. "Yeah?" He asks back. "Have you always been this sweet?" I ask and he laughs at my question. Now it's my time to ask questions. "No Emma, I'm not sweet or whatever you call it to anyone but ever since I met you, I'm sweet to you. How about you, have you always been this innocent?" He asks. I can't exactly picture him as anything else but sweet.

"I think I've always been like this, all my life, but how come you're only sweet to me and not anyone else?" I ask. I'm allowed to ask him many questions, right? I mean he is my boyfriend after all and I want to know him very well, also I want him to know me. "I'm not a very friendly person" He says, admitting something he'd rather not say. To me, he's friendly and kind and so sweet.

"How come?" I keep questioning him. Well, at least now I'm not bored and there isn't an awkward silence between us. To me, I think it's strange that there's an awkward silence when couples are together, they should be talking and getting to know each other better. "I don't know, I don't have many friends and those who are, are shady people. That is why I work in a place where there are not many conversations" He tells me.

"Then, why did you look friendly when you met me?" I ask. "You know, I will never get used to how curious your mind actually is" He says laughing. "Well, you're going to get used to it, now that I'm your girlfriend" I tell him as I join in his laughter. "I like it when you said that you are my girlfriend, sounds good when it comes from your lips" He says and slowly the laughter dies down.

I know what he's doing right now, he's trying to distract me from my questioning. He's smart. "Now answer my question" I tell him, more like commanded him. "Which one, you've asked too many. My brain isn't functioning anymore" He tells me, chuckling. I only giggle. "The one that you haven't answered yet" I say, laughing at his silly way. I can't believe that he thinks he's not a friendly person, he's so good sense of humor.

His humor is better than mine, I think. I mean, I am always smiling and laughing around him. "All right, I will answer your curious mind. When I saw you, I just needed to know you and I'm glad I did, you are not only beautiful on the outside but your soul is also beautiful and I'm blessed to have you as my girlfriend" He says. I think he's speaking from his heart, it's so beautiful.

I don't know if he is speaking from his heart but it doesn't matter. I don't even know why I said that, since I've only heard about this in movies and books. It somehow just felt right. "This is so sweet of you, you know your way with words. You must be into poetry or something, wait are you?" I ask him and he starts to laugh. This is good, I'm getting to know him.

"Actually, I do love poetry" He tells me and I giggle. "You do?" I ask. I had no idea that he loves poetry. I know I'm asking a lot of questions, but I can't help it. Maria says that I'm the most curious person alive right now. I personally don't think that true, as there are a lot of people in the world and there could be people who are a lot more curious than me.

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