{Chapter 14}

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My Possessive Vampire Boss

_Chapter 14_

"You got to give me a better reason than that" I tell him. He looks at me, and then he stands up from his desk, and picks up at least ten files. "I don't have to give you any other reason, now go through all of these" He says, and hands me all the files he was holding. This will take forever to go through. It takes at least two hours to go through only one. I know for sure that I'm going to be in my office the whole day or something like that. "You can leave now. I have no need for you anymore" He tells me. That was a bit rude, but he's the boss. So, I just nod my head and leave his office with the heavy files.

Do you know how heavy one of these is? Maybe not, but one is really heavy but ten or more are so heavy that I feel like I'm going to drop them but since it's not that far to my office, I'm going to survive this, I think. How did Mr. Black hold them with one hand? He must be really strong but the truth to be told from what I see, he doesn't rally look like he's strong. But that's only because I haven't seen how muscular he is or isn't. You know what they say, nothing is as it seems to be. Sometimes I believe that you should never judge a book by its cover.

I went through one by one and I had to skip my lunch break but that's all right with me. Hey, at least I went through them all and in time. I haven't seen Mr. Black since he gave me the files and I'm so thankful for that. I heard that he fired four of his workers today, I don't know why, but I know that he is angry. I hear and knock on my office door, who would knock on the door of my office? I know that Mr. Black just walks in so who could it be? I open the door and the person who knocked on the door is my boyfriend. Still feels strange saying that. The one and only Adrian Stone.

"Adrian, what are you doing here?" I ask. "Can't I visit my amazing girlfriend at work, even of we work at the same place, besides my work day is over. So you're gonna give me a kiss or what?" He asks. A kiss? I've never kissed a guy on the lips and I'm pretty scared of it. What if I'm a bad kisser? "Just one kiss on the cheek, is that all right?" I ask him. "Yeah, that's cool with me, as long as it's by my beautiful girlfriend" He says and I give him a kiss on his right cheek. "Do you want to come in?" I ask him. "Of course I want" he says and I let him inside my office.

"Ok, so, what's the real reason you came here again?" I ask him. "Am I not allowed to see my super hot girlfriend?" He asks playfully, making me blush and look down to hide it. He really likes flirting and making me blush. "That's so sweet of you, but seriously" I say, giving him the serious look, with my hands crossed over my chest. I don't even know why I want to know why he's here but I think this is what girlfriends do. They want to know where their boyfriends are and things like that, right? "All right, I want to take you out on a date tonight" He tells me.

I'm about to answer when suddenly the doors opens and Mr. Black walks into my office. "She isn't going out with you" He says with so much anger in his voice. How can he be so angry all the time? "You can't tell me what I can and can't do" I tell him. Just by those words, he looks even angrier than he was before. Was it something I said or something else? I only stated the truth. "Why can't I take my own girlfriend on a date?" Adrian asks him, I can already tell that this isn't going to end well. That was not smart of Adrian.

"I don't have to answer anything to you" He fires back. Ok, this is not good. I don't want to watch them have some kind of a fight like the one that were always in high school and collage. I need to stop this before it gets out of control because they're giving each other death glares and that's never a good sign. "Ok, guys. Maybe we should all just calm down a little and then talk this out" I say, but both of them ignore me completely.

My Possessive Vampire Boss✔️ {1}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora