Chapter 13

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Have you ever had a feeling that something bad is going to happen, even when everything around you is perfect?

Well that how I feel right now as I sit with Brett and Ally eating dinner. I feel like something terrible is going to happen. The feeling is so strong that can barely breath.

I am scared of what this feeling has in store for my future. Everytime I tried pushing the feeling away, it would come back stronger.

As if Brett could feel my distress, he gave me a look that said, 'Are you okay?'

I just nodded and mouthed, 'We will talk later'. I knew he didn't believe me, but he nodded anyway.

All throughout dinner he kept sending worried glances in my direction. I would just send him a smile, hoping that it would ease his worry. It didn't.

After we ate, I offered to do the dishes, but Ally waved Brett and me. We stopped at the door, and he turned to me.

"Are you sure everything is going to be okay?" He asked.

"Yes," I smiled reassuringly.


I hated lying, but I didn't want him to worry. He seemed to be reassured, and leaned in to kiss my cheek. Then he moved to my mouth. He deepened the kiss and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

We broke away, breathless. I smiled before walking out the door.

I hopped on my bike and happily sped down the road. I felt as if nothing could ruin my mood.

Just when I thought that, I suddenly I felt as if I was being followed.

I slowed my bike down and pulled to the side of the road. As soon as I stopped, I pulled my helmet off and looked around. I was met with nothing but darkness. I was just about to give up when I heard a low growl from the woods beside me. Quickly, I put my helmet on and sped down the road on my bike.

As soon as I thought that I would be safe, something had grabbed me and slung me off of the bike.

I watched helplessly as my bike slid across the paved road. It probably only had a few scratches. Suddenly, I searched frantically for the thing that grabbed me.

Not seeing anything moving about, I inched towards my bike. My muscles screamed in protest, but I pushed my body to move. Once I actually reached my bike, I grabbed the handle bars and heaved the metal machine up. Once in position, I climbed on and cranked it back up. Looking around once more and not seeing anything, I sped down the road speeding the whole way to my house.

Once I reached the house, I went in my room. Thankfully everyone was asleep because I was a mess. My hair had leaves in it, and my clothes had tears everywhere.

I was limping all the way to my room. I took a shower, and went to my bed and fell into a dreamless state.

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