Chapter 21

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That's Chase in the picture above.

Love, Kat.


I could not handle what I was seeing. My heart was bursting in fear with every heartbeat. Tears of helplessness were threatening to surface. My knees would have buckled if it were not due to the adrenaline that was telling me to kill the man holding a gun to my clearly unconscious mother. Blood poured down her face from her head at an alarming rate. A look of terror was stained onto her face.

My jaw clenched as I looked at the man.

"She will die if you make one move. But I have a proposition for you," he stated with a sinister smile.

"What is it?" Brett growled out. He just smiled.

"Your mother has a few minutes before she dies, but if you come with me, I will allow her to stay to get help. If you do not, then I shoot her right here and now," he proposed. "She only has a few minutes, so choose quickly."

I didn't hesitate, "Okay."

Brett was about to disagree, but I shot him a look that made him shut up, "Find me." I mouthed that those last words before the guy grabbed my gun and forced me out the window. It was only a few feet to the ground so it did not hurt. Thank the lord I didn't land on my bad arm.

I heard a thud behind me, and I saw the guy with my gun coming towards me.

"Get moving," he snarled, pushing the gun to my head. My fist clenched as I controlled my growing anger. I had to think of a way out of this without alerting the man, but none of the ways consisted of me not dying of a gunshot to the head.

We made our way to the gate , and I saw that the guards had gunshot wounds to the head. We heard a commotion in the house behind us, and I prayed none of my boys came out here to try and be a hero. Thank goodness they apparently had some sense not to. We moved around the dead guards and onto the side walk. Tears burned in the back of my eyes as I worried about my mom. I worried what was happening right now. I worried if she was getting the help she needed right now.

My mind was running into overdrive, so I didn't notice the black van pull up in front of us. Two men burst from the back and held the doors open for the man who had the gun. He grabbed my arms and roughly pushed me into the back. They all three climbed in after me, and one of them grabbed a bag from the corner. The other one grabbed rope. They proceeded to tie my hands and put the bag over my head.

Why am I not fighting, you ask? Well, honestly, this is the first time I have ever thought that I could not take someone. Not only that, but also the fact that all three men looked like they could swallow three of me. I was not chancing me dying and them going after my mom.

All of a sudden, I feel pain spreading all over my head. Before I descended into darkness.


Brett's P.O.V.

My heart was aching as I watched everything happen around me. Everything was happening in slow motion. That man pushed my mate out the window, and they disappeared from my life. For now. Derek and the guys ran into the room. Blake called the pack doctor for Kat's mother, and the other guys were off searching the perimeter for my mate.

"Brett," Derek said, snapping in my face, and I realized he had been trying to get my attention for the last few minutes.

I looked at him, "We need to find her." My voice broke a little. He looked at me with sympathy before grabbing my shoulders pulling me to the security room.

"If we are going to find her, we need to go over everything and figure out who would take her," he stated sitting in one of the chairs and sliding to the desk full of computers. I sat beside him.

"The only werewolf I could think of that would want her, is the one she fought. We can get our best tracker to follow her scent," I stated with a relieved sigh. We are going to find her. Derek got on the pack mind link and called Chase out of the safe room and to the where we were.

In just a few minutes, he was beside me awaiting my orders.

"Chase, as you know, your Luna was taken by a neighboring pack. I will get our best team, and you will lead us to find her," I stated in a my firm alpha voice. He just nodded. He followed me and Derek out of the room and Derek parted ways to get our team ready.

Me and Chase went upstairs to my room to get one of my mates shirts. I went into my bathroom, and I was hit with sadness. The whole bathroom smelled like her, vanilla and strawberries. Her clothes last night were giving off that delicious smell and it made my wolf howl at the fact that she wasn't here.

I walked out of the room so that I didn't end up in a mess. Chase was waiting patiently for me when I walked out of the room. I was hesitant to give him the shirt because I didn't want another to smell the amazing smell of my mate, but I handed it to him anyway. We walked down the stairs. I stopped in the room we use as an infirmary to check on Kat's mom.

"She lost alot of blood, but we patched up her wound and she should be okay. There is also a chance she won't remember what happened, but for now we have her in an induced coma for her to heal," stated our pack doctor, Samantha. I nodded to her, relieved that she would be okay.

I met the rest of the team outside. They were all already in their wolf forms and waiting my command. A few had guns strapped to their backs, and the rest were holding ammo in saddlebags strapped to them. I nodded to them and quickly changed into my brown wolf, Alex. We got into position to take off, and Chase ran in front of us. He set the shirt down in front of him and took and deep sniff. He howled and looked at me for permission to lead the team. I gave a quick nod, before taking off after him. The rest of the team followed. And we were off for revenge to get their Luna, my mate.


So, I know it took me a little bit to get these chapters. But I have had a rough couple of weeks trying to think up some good stuff for you guys. And what I have next, y'all will be surprised.
I love you, my lovies!

Love, Kat.

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