Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

-Alika Is Alive

Anna's POV

My teeth clip on my nails as I bite them in anticipation while waiting for my mate. It's been a few hours now since then. I can't sleep. I changed my clothes and wore a grey tank top and white shorts. There were two guards standing outside the door, not letting me step my foot out. I huffed and sat on the bed again.

Beta dropped me to my room and left a long time ago, leaving the both guards as security. There is no way for me to go outside and Beta warned me that there were strict orders from Bane to not let me out. My mother and brother sat with me for a few hours before I send them to their rooms. I don't want them worrying much about me.

My mind went back to what happened today night. The pack meeting, the party, the celebration and the attack. My heart still beats fast as I recall that I am almost dead today. The wheels in my mind are still turning on the thing about Bane and James being friends.

How did they become enemies if they were friends?

Bane almost killed James while attacking him. I want to go to Bane and ask him all my doubts. My curiosity keeps increasing and is eating me every second.

Why didn't Bane come back yet? Is everything okay? What happened after I left? What did Bane do to James?

I need to stop thinking that much. Maybe I should go outside and the guards how much time it might take for him to comeback. I stand up and walk to the door before opening. Just as I put my step out of the room, I hear a loud bang. The guards turn to look at me.

"Luna. Please go inside", one of the guards said.

BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!! The sounds keeps coming from downstairs. My curiosity spiked up.

"Luna. We will go down and see what it is. You please go inside. It's not safe for you to get out of the room and there were strict orders from the Alpha to allow you out of the room".

"No. I want to know what it is!". I start walking down as the guards tried to stop me. Just as I was about ot climb down the stairs, Beta is running up stairs. I look at him confused.

"Luna. You need to come to the Alpha's office. He is in there-". He didn't need to say anything as I start running towards the office. "Luna, be careful", I hear him shout behind. As I keeo nearing his office, the bangs got louder and louder. So, the sounds are coming from his office.

My heart beat picked up and I and my wolf is telling me to go inside. I feel frustrated, angry, guilty. But I can tell that all of these are not mine, but his feelings. Why is he feeling guilty though? Did he kill James? No! He may not have? I am just over imagining. I come and stand in front of the door hesitating to open it. The door is slightly open.

I try to peek in and see what is happening. Maybe I can get a clue. All I see is broken glass and table. I don't see Bane anywhere. I am sure he is in there, I can smell his mint and freshly wet mud scent. I can feel his presence. I can hear his heart beat and him breathing roughly.


I jumped at the sudden sound as I saw something hit the wall causing the sound and fell down in pieces. I thought for a minute whether it is safe for me to go in there.

He is my mate. He needs me.

"AHHHH!!!". His loud shout sent chills down my spine. I didn;t hesitate to open the door. I know he will never hurt me. I am just scared in which condition I will find him in.

I open the door and my gaze sweep around the floor of the room. There are broken glass pieces and wood. His table is half broken and all the things that were once on his desk are now laying on the floor in pieces. I lift my gaze and find him standing in the left side of his room. My eyes widened as I see he is naked. I didn't look at him down below his waist.

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