Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

-Friendship and Love

Anna’s POV

Walking in I close the door. I don’t feel good in my stomach. My gut is telling me this is not a good idea. My wolf is the only reason I feel this strong right now. I can do this. James looks up at me and he does not seem little bit surprised.

“Took you long enough to come here. I think it must have been hard crossing all he security in the way.” I didn’t say anything. “Let me guess, Bane doesn’t know that you are here.”

“Well if you that much, then you must also know what I am here for.”

“Hmm… What can it be?” He plays around and it only irritates me.


“Wait! Let me think. Is it maybe a butterfly?” His sarcasm gets on my nerves.

“James, you know why I am here.”

“Maybe I do. But I don’t care what you want.”

“Bane is your frei-“

“He is not my friend!” He shouts loudly. His eyes do not change colour though. “That bastard is not my friend! He killed my Ali! He killed my mate!”

“Who is his sister as well!” I pause as I say that. “How could you even blame him for that?”

“Because he is the reason she is not with me right now!”

“She is not with him too. You know too that he didn’t actually make a plan to kill her. You know he tried to save her!”

“That doesn’t change the fact that she is trapped by rouges! Or the fact that we thought she died!” I don’t say anything for a second.

“You know he is not to be blamed. But I think it’s you yourself who feels guilty for not saving her.”

“Shut up!” He says angrily trying to stand up only to be stopped by chains that are ting him to the chair. I take a step back in fear.

“Don’t like the truth, huh?”

He growls loudly. His wolf is trying to take control. The door opens and the guard comes in. He must have heard the growls.

“Don’t come in.” I tell him and he hesitates before going out and closing the door. “If you really think what Bane did is wrong, why are you doing what you think he did? Why are you killing me, his mate? I don’t think it’s just vengeance.” He looks at me as I take a step forward to stand in front of him. “I want answers. I want to know everything.”

“If you really wanted to kill me, you would have done that a long time ago. It’s been four months since Bane and I met. The attacks started one month after that. But one of those attacks were by you. You attacked me only last week. This is not revenge. From what I understand you only got to know about Alika being near rogues maybe two weeks before.”

“Fucking bastards!”

“Where do I fit in all this? Why did you try to kill me?” There is a long silence for a few seconds before he spoke. I wait for him.

“I didn’t try to kill you.” I am shocked from this information.


“The plan was not to kill you.”

“What do you mean? Then why did you attack me?”

“To get my mate back.”

“You have to make a lot more sense than that.”

“The rogues want one of our mates.”

This hits me hard. I try to connect all the pieces. If James gives me to them, then they will send Alika back to him.

“It is the only way to get Alika back.” He says lowly. “I don’t care if I have to surrender you to rouges.”

I don’t say anything. Any werewolf would do the same thing for their mate. In this case James had thought his mate had been dead and suddenly knowing that she is alive must have really drove him over the edge. I can’t bear to think of such things happening between me and Bane.

But for some reason my heart is telling me this is not all. There is more to it than it seems to be. Why would they want anyone of me or even Alika? Is it because they think that if James gives me to the rouges, then Bane and James will be the ultimate enemies? Is that what they want?

“Why do they want me?”

“Because they want to have control over this pack. They want to take over it. I think that is what it is.”

That can be one of it, but no, there is something much bigger that we are missing.

Maybe… Maybe they not only just want to take over Bane’s pack, but James pack as well. These both packs are powerful. Taking over them will give them bigger power. That means, if I am surrendered to them, they wouldn’t give Alika back as promised.

“They won’t give Alika back even if you surrender me to them.” I say still thinking if what I think might be what it is.


“I don’t think this is just to get power over Bane’s pack. Rogues are not that silly to ask you to surrender me to them and just give Alika back to you.”

He suddenly realizes there is more too.

“Do you really believe they will give Alika back even if you do as told?” He starts thinking. “Think about it. The attacks have happened two prior and they were by rogues. If they knew that I am Bane’s mate then why didn’t they come to you two months back when they got to know about me? Why now?”

He listens silently as I speak.

“Look at the big picture James.”

“They want the two packs.” He says suddenly realizing the truth. “Which means they will be killing you both.”

The harsh reality sets in and the air around us gets thick. This is huge. That’s why Bane is keeping such high security. Everything makes sense. Now I understand why Bane looked so distraught when he found out about his sister.

He is torn. He is torn between us both and he chose me. That killing him even more. Oh my… Oh Bane. I feel tears pooling in my eyes and I blink them away. I have to stay strong. But my mind is shutting down. I can only think about how messed up all of this is.

I don’t want Bane losing his sister. That would tear these both Alphas apart. But I don’t know what to do. How did it come to this?

Just as we were both trying to let the situation sink in, I feel a terrible pain between my breasts. It feels like someone just scratched my skin open. I let out a scream before holding the place it hurts. The security burst open through the door. I hear footsteps as I fall down groaning in pain. I hear James speaking.

“Bane! Bane is hurt!” I can hear the emotion in his voice. In this typical situation, I can’t help but look at him and think, everyone here projects to be tougher than they seems, tries to look like monster that they are not. James cannot and will not hurt Bane. It’s clear from his voice. Maybe because Bane is the only living person that he was once connected to.


My heart beat spikes and I scream through the pain. My wolf is trying to take control. I supress her and try to stand up.

“Luna!” I hear the security guards shout and I shake my head trying hard to concentrate on anything other than the pain. Bane needs me and I can’t pass out in think situation. My wolf is screaming for the blood of the wolf that has hurt him. I slowly start to steady my legs and look at everyone in the room. Once I know I can walk straight, I ran out of the room without looking at anyone to the pack hospital.

Many questions are running through my mind. What happened to him? How did it happen? Who dare attack him? How is he now?

Once I am near the hospital, I see Chris standing at the entrance. He must be waiting for me.

“Luna! Are you alright?”

“Where is Bane?!” I say walking into the hospital without waiting for him trying to follow his scent. It’s much stronger than normal. I can smell his blood. Before Chris can respond, I rushed in and before I know it, I am standing in front of the emergency ward door. I can see through the glass door. My heart came into my mouth for a second.

There is blood everywhere. I see the doctors cleaning his wound. There is a ghash on his chest where it has hurt me just a few minutes ago. Tears blur my vision. I can’t bear to see this.]

Is this how Bane felt when I was on the hospital bed? I never thought I would love someone so much.

It’s scary seeing him like this. I open the door and go in. I need to touch him. The pack doctor and others are quickly cleaning all the blood from his body. There are a few other small injuries. I want to hit something hard. I don’t like this.

Not being able to take it anymore, I go out. Chris stands outside the room.

“What happened?” There are a few others trackers as well, but no one speaks or answers my question. “I asked you what happened?!” I shout loudly.

“Alpha is attacked by one of the rogues, Luna.” One of them speaks.

“How many were there?”

“Twenty, Luna.” Another one of them speaks. It’s a big number, but not for Bane. He could take them down in few seconds.

“Who hurt him?”

“Alpha has killed the wolf that has hurt him.”


“Luna!” He stands attentively in front of me waiting for my command.

“I want all the details of the attack in half an hour. Call Mike too and meet me here in thirty. Make it quick.” My orders are swift. The Luna in me is pushing out. My wolf might break free any minute now.

I dismiss them all and the doctor comes out.

“How is he, Doctor?”

“No need to worry, Luna. He is good. The ghash seems pretty deep, but it’s nothing that can’t be cured. He will be back to normal soon. Maybe in a day. His Alpha blood is doing lot of the work and he is healing faster. You need to be with him right now. He whispered yours and his sister’s name several times.” I just nod my head at him.

He whispered his sister’s names as well. Of course. He must be really worried about her.

“But, I have to report something to you.” I become attentive as he speaks. “Come in with me.” I follow him inside. He looks clean now. No traces of any blood. His injury is covered completely with cotton. I quickly go to his side and hold his hand. He is sleeping. “Look at this,” the doctor says as he stands on the other side of the bed, pointing his shoulder and arm. There are dark blue marks there.

“What is it?” My concern grows.

“It’s not something that will cause bodily harm, but, it’s something that is given to a wolf to knock them out.”

This is not good.

“I have given an antidote for it, he will wake up soon, but I thought you need to know this.”

I nod my head at him.

Something is terribly off.

After thirty minutes, both Mike and Chris come to the hospital as ordered. Going out I sit in one of the chairs outside the room and take the file given by Mike. Flipping through it I find the details of the time and place of the attack. But it does not contain any details about the injection given to Bane.

“Bane is injected with something that knocks him out for a few days, but the pack doctor gave him an antidote. I don’t want this detail going out.”

“Sure, Luna.” They agree.

“So, none of the rogues are alive?”

“No, Luna. Alpha killed all of them. We were supposed to bring one of them back, but, after the attack, none of them were alive.”

“If none of them were alive, who gave him that injection and why?”

“What if it’s one of the pack members?” Mike says. More and more spies. I sigh.

“It can be, but what if it’s one of the rogues. Alpha must have felt dizzy and he knew he might be knocked out that’s why he killed everyone.” Chris says.

“It can be true too.”

“Luna,” Mike says and I look at him. “Whoever did this, they are clearly waiting for the time that Alpha is weak, which means the pack becomes weak so that they can attack the pack.”

I nod my head. That is exactly what it is. But Bane is not weak, so is his pack. My rage towards the rogues increases every passing second.

“We knew that a war will be coming, but not this soon.”

War? Bane is in no position to go to war? I am not going to allow him to go to war field in this condition.

I feel conscious suddenly. Bane must have woken up. Opening the door, I go in not even bothering to dismiss Mike and Chris. His sea green eyes are looking at me. There is complete seriousness in his face, but his are giving away the warmth they always do when he is with me.

I feel alive again.

“Bane.” I whisper going to him and hugging him tightly. I hear his sigh and move back. I forgot about his ghash. It must have hurt him when I hugged him suddenly. He pulled back to him and I make sure that I do not touch the ghash.

“I am okay. There was no need for you to worry.” He tries to assure me.

“You are not.” I whimper. I don’t even know why I am crying.

“I am the one that got hurt. Why are you crying?”

I don’t even know that I am crying. He wipes away my tears with his thumb. He is right! Why am I crying?! Why?! Is this love? Is this how it feels?

“I have to go.” He starts to get up. I out my hand on his shoulder and stop him.

“You are not going anywhere. Not like this.”

“I need to go, my Sweet. I can’t put the pack at risk.” He stand up and suddenly, the cotton wrapped around his chest is getting red. The wound is cut open.

“Oh no. Call the doctor!” I shout. Mike and Chris must be outside the room waiting for us. I hear footsteps approaching.

“It’s just a wound,” Bane says as if it’s nothing.

“Oh, please sit down! Please.” My pleading got him nowhere.

“No! I have to go.” He tries to walk past me and leave.


“My sister is still with rogues even after two days I know, my pack might be attacked any minute and my mate, you, are in danger! I can’t sit and watch all of this play out while I try to get better here, Love.” He says suddenly and I can feel his fear. But I care less about all of it now. “You have to understand.” But now the pack doctor is here and waiting for us to stop fighting.

“And you have to understand that I am not letting you out like this! I love you, okay! So, please… Get on this bed and just a few hours take rest!” I shout loudly. I don’t know where I got all this sudden courage, but what I just said hits me hard. I said that I love him. I told him that and everyone in the room is looking stunned.

Me, I am shock of what I just said.

The doctors, in shock that I spoke back to the Alpha.

Bane… Well I hope I didn’t scare him by saying that. Now that I have said it, I am not taking it back.

I see the doctors leaving the room, understanding that we need privacy.

“What did you just say?” Bane whispers coming near me. I stand silently looking at the floor suddenly.

I can’t believe I just said that out loud. He is standing in front of me now. His hands are holding my face now making me look at him. His deep sea green are looking so exuberant.

“Say it again.” I can’t hold it in any longer.

“I love you. I love you! God!” I hug him, not caring about his injury anymore. He hugs me tightly. My heart might burst out my chest any minute now. I love him! Oh my God, I love him! I even told him that!

“I love you, too.” That is all it took for me to let out the tears. Tears are flowing down my face. I don’t care about anything anymore. I don’t anything other than this, other than him. This is all I ever wanted and I didn’t even know it myself.

“We need to get your wound treated,” I say still hugging him.

“I don’t care. Let it bleed.” Smiling at his words, I hug him tightly. “I love you, my Sweet.”

I love you.


Hey my cute dumplings!

They are in love! So? How is it? Please, please, please tell me. Your comments are what makes me write more. Don’t miss the next chapter.

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