Another Problem

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Guess whose back, back again, I am back, tell a friend.. Well that was random... Enjoy chapter 2 guys and gals... Remember feedback is appreciated.

Peridot slept until his alarm went off at 6:00 A.M. Peridot turned his alarm off and went to take a shower. After his shower Peridot put on his pants, a green shirt, and his glasses. Afterwards Peridot left for school while eating a piece of burnt toast.

Peridots POV.
I left my home at 6:50 and since my mom works early I am eating ordinary toast for breakfast "yum". On my way to school I notice someone behind me, it was that girl from yesterday. She wore a blue long sleeve shirt with white shorts, she had a white headphone in one ear, and she had some blue vans on her feet. She looks like she had not slept at all the night before and the only reason she had yet to see me was because her head down so she could avoid eye contact with other people. Being the social person I am I started walking faster, unfortunately with my luck I tripped on my shoe lace and fell face first on the cement.
"Peridot are you ok?"
I look up to see Lapis in front of with a big smile and I could tell she wanted to laugh.
"I'm just fine Lazuli" my reply back was emotionless.
Lapis helped me up and we continued walking to school together.
"note to self... Never run when your shoe are untied" I thought to myself.

La time skip.

3rd person POV (I think that what its called)

Arriving at Quartz high Peridot noticed almost immediately a tall muscular teen waiting by the gate and Lapis told him that the guy was her boyfriend, Jasper. Jasper started walking up to Lapis and Peridot anyone could tell Jasper was seething with rage. Lapis had asked Peridot to stay with her since she had an abusive relationship with Jasper, but Peridot did not know that. When the two started talking Peridot decided to zone out since their conversation really bore him, although he was forced back into reality when Jasper started talking to him.

"Hey nerd did you hear what I said" Jasper's tone laced with anger

"No, nor would I care for what you say" Peridot replied smugly.

"well listen here nerd because you should care about this. If you don't stay away from Lapis then the only thing you will have to worry about is how many punches it takes to knock you out." Jasper's was much more angry now

"my guess is one but that's a number your tiny brain can not comprehend." Peridot replied finding Jasper annoying

Lapis watched in awe of what Peridot was doing, Peridot was standing up to the best wrestler in the school, the biggest bully in school, the cause of Lapis's depression, Lapis's boyfriend Jasper.

Ring Ring Ring (Bell sounds)

"Listen baby I have to get to class you understand right, Bye Jaspie I will miss you the most." Peridot told Lapis and Jasper with a smirk on his face, but what he did not know was the fate that awaited Lapis because, of his comment. Jasper grabbed Lapis's arm "Is there something you want to tell me Lapis?". Lapis could only stare at Jasper because she knew if she said anything jasper would hurt her more. with no one outside Jasper threw Lapis to the ground as hard as he could "Get out of my sight Lapis before I hurt you again." Jasper warned Lapis who left almost immediately. Instead of going to class however Lapis chose to run home because her parents would be at work and her twin would most likely be with her boyfriend all day.

alright guys so this chapter in my eyes is not the best but I think its decent. the next chapter will be about Lapis though so hopefully I can find good inspiration over the weekend.

Sorry for any mistakes I actually worked on this chapter at 3 am for the past three nights so i need some sleep lol.

Later Shippers

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