Epilogue- Daughter

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Sam is their daughter's name. Last chapter I can't believe it's ending. Also this chapter is one i tried to make funny and so its mostly about their daughter.

10 years later

Peridot and Lapis had gotten married and adopted a girl who was now 15. Through countless trials Peridot had protected Lapis and now focused on protecting his daughter from one thing, Boys. Their daughter had brought home many boys and every time Peridot would scare them off either with his tests to see if they were good enough or his daughter favorite, threatening to kill them if they ever hurt his daughter. One boy had managed to always stay though and that was Sam's best friend James. Peridot hated James with a passion and whenever he would try and spend the night when the two where younger Peridot would make an excuse as to why he couldn't. This time James was smart enough to ask when Lapis was with Peridot. Lapis immediately said yes and Peridot didn't argue with his wife out of fear. Peridot had become terrified of Lapis and never wanted to make her mad by arguing. James and Sam played video games until Lapis called them for dinner. The two kids came running down the stairs laughing and screaming. James looked at Peridot and stopped his screaming and laughing. Peridot laughed at how he could scare James with just a look. James and Sam took a seat and Peridot sat opposite of James. He couldn't eat, he wanted to know why he was still here. Usually when he did stay late Peridot was able to easily scare him off. He looked at Lapis who was smirking and that's when it all clicked. Lapis had known James would ask and so she said yes to get Peridot to get to know the boy. Peridot was mad now, and Lapis was going to pay. Peridot stood. up and told Lapis he was going to bed. He went upstairs to his room so he could lay on his bed He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep quickly. After Lapis had finished eating she went upstairs to check on Peridot. She knew he hated James, but she could see that her daughter had developed feelings towards him. Sam would never admit it, but she loved to see James. Lapis saw James as a young Peridot; he was nerdy, he was always prepared, he was extremly cocky, and he was always trying to protect Sam. She opened the door and laid by Peridot. "Hey Peri. you awake". When no answer came Lapis decided to shake Peridot a little. He instantly woke up and looked at Lapis

Peridot- "Why did you wake me up."

Lapis- "I wanted to know why you don't like James."

Peridot- "He is just going to hurt Sam and then i'll have to hurt him."

Lapis pinched Peridot's ear "Don't hurt him Peri. You are twice his age, Act like it. Can't you see that Sam really likes him. Just get to know the boy."

Peridot- "Fine. what does he like anyways?"

Lapis- "Sam said he likes to find gemstone in his free time. Take him to work with us."

Peridot- "Alright, but if he starts to annoy me you are taking him."

Lapis- "Deal, now go invite him"

Peridot got up with Lapis and they went to their daughter's room. Peridot opened the door and saw something that mad him angry. Sam was on top of James kissing him. Sam quickly jumped up and tried to explain that it was an accident, but Peridot had closed the door. He took a deep breath and looked at Lapis who was confused "What's wrong Peri?". Peridot looked at the door "How good can I hide a body?"Lapis tilted her head in confusion "Why?" 

Peridot- "Because James was just taking advantage of Sam. Sam was on top of him and they were kissing."

Lapis giggled "It sounds like the other way around Peri."

Peridot looked at Lapis- "Why do you say that?"

Lapis smirked and pushed Peridot against the wall. She kissed him for a couple of seconds and pulled back. "Peridot why are you taking advantage of me." She said in a flirtatious voice. 

Peridot looked away, he was blushing "Okay maybe Sam isn't as innocent as I thought"

Lapis smiled "You think. Now go invite James to our job."

Peridot- "Fine."

Peridot opened his daughter's door and walked in. Sam had tried to stop him from getting to James, but Peridot still got to him. He stood right in front of James who instantly stood and put his hands up "I'd say sorry, but i still kiss her again." James laughed at his joke while Peridot chuckled. Sam watched in horror, she hoped James would be ok. Peridot stopped chuckling and looked at his daughter "leave." and with that said Sam walked out of the room with her head down. Peridot looked back at the laughing James

Peridot- "Lapis was right, You are a lot like me. I would have said the same thing if Lapis's mom caught us kissing."

James stopped laughing and looked at Peridot "I really like your daughter"

from outside the door you could hear Sam scream a yes and Lapis saying she knew it. 

Peridot- "Those two... James how would you like to come to Diamond Cooperation with me?"

James's eyes lit up- "W-what. your inviting me to the most successful gem company. Does your boss know?"

Peridot smirked "I am the boss and if your only interested in my daughter because of the family job then you can leave now, otherwise you can come with me and Lapis to our jobs. We are getting knew gems tomorrow."

James- "I don't like your daughter because of the job. She is so funny, sweet, cute, and just overall perfect."

Peridot- "I felt the same way with Lapis. Be careful James, the girls in this family always take advantage of the boys. Lapis does it to me all the time."

James- "I mean Sam had gotten me to kiss her with a bet that was impossible for me to win, but it was worth it."

Peridot laughed and started to walk out "You're a good kid. Just don't hurt my daughter or else. Also wake up at 7 tomorrow. Good luck with Sam tonight, she is just like Lapis and that's a scary thought"

Peridot left and Sam came back in asking what happened. James toled Sam what Peridot said and how lucky he was to be able to date Sam. James wasn't the only lucky one though because Peridot got something special later that night. 

La Time skip

Peridot, Lapis, and James drove to the job, all of them were quiet after the night before, but for different reasons. Peridot didn't want to admit that he had started to take a liking to James, Lapis wanted the two to talk without her interfering, and James didn't want to say something stupid. Once they arrived Peridot took James to see the Gems and Lapis went to Peridot's office to organize some papers. Peridot started to inspect the gems when he heard James yell "This one is fake." Peridot looked at the one James was pointing to and asked how he knew without inspecting it. James told Peridot how he knew and after Peridot has inspected the gem and threw it away, James continued to point out fake ones. The entire day James had corrected Peridot 13 times, found 10 fake gems, and even took over for Peridot as boss for an hour so he could take Lapis out on a date. When they got back to pick up James, Peridot expected the building to be on fire, but to his surprise everything was running smoothly. Peridot took James home and then drove Lapis to their house. "Maybe James will be perfect for Sam and maybe just maybe he can have the company some day." he thought. In the end Peridot could not have asked for a better family. He had the perfect wife, a beautiful daughter, and a smart kid for his daughter to date.  

*Bows* Hope royalty has enjoyed the book.

I want to give a special thanks to LapidotFreak for being the reason why I made this book... Thanks for inspiring me to write this.

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