Chapter 7

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7 days until Christmas 🎄

I knew I had to talk to Luke. He's an expert at these things. But first I had to get something. I ran down to the beach. It was cold. This part of Florida isn't exactly warm in the winter. It's not freezing cold, not like 32 degrees. Probably around 47-55 degrees during the winter. It's definitely warmer than Maryland though. I took off my socks and boots and ran into the waves. I felt my tail forming and swam deeper into the water.
"Heidi, get out now!" Someone yelled. I turned around to see Brynn.
"Why?" I asked.
"Haven't you heard? Some half-mers are losing their power to transform! Whatever you do, don't go swimming in the ocean. It could be a problem." She explained.
"But aren't you,"
"Yes, I am. I can stand it though because I've lived underwater for 15 years and been on land for 20 minutes." She said. She gestured her hand telling me to get out. We started swimming towards the shore.
"So, do you know what's happening?"
"Not exactly, we only know that some mers are losing their tails. We don't know the cause or anything else." She answered. I crawled onto the sand and dried off. I started putting on my socks and boots. Brynn looked at me in sympathy. I told her about my mom and everything that happened.
"Good luck. Don't lose your tail."
"Thanks, I'll try not to." I started running toward Luke's house (again), and hopefully this time won't be interrupted. I made it to his house and knocked on the door. Cyd answered the door.
"Is this mermaid stuff or..."
"Shh! And, yes; it's important." She stepped out of the way and I walked in.
"Luke is in his room. It's first door on the left on the hallway closest to the water." I looked at her completely confused. Just go up and to the steps, the right hallway, first door on the left." She said.
"Thanks." I went up the steps and followed Cyd's instructions. I knocked on the white wood door.
"Come in!" A muffled voice called from inside. I opened the door and walked in. All I could say was, wow. It was huge. The walls went up high and formed a dome-like shape ceiling. There was a fan hanging from it. Then, there was a small spiral staircase that lead to a mini room, similar to mine. The bed was probably a queen size and the walls were painted a light blue-grey color. The bed sheet was similar to the color of the wall. There was a bathroom too. Overall, his room was kinda like my room. It was probably one of the biggest bedrooms.
"You have an amazing room, house even. And I thought it was just this small thing by the ocean." I commented.
"Well, I am the oldest kid. My parents' room is much bigger." He responded.
"Yeah, makes sense. Can I ask you something? I'm not sure if you'll know, you might though."
"Go for it." He said. How could I word this? I guess I'll have to wing it.
"Um, so, my mom...she can't exactly transform into a mermaid. Brynn said it seemed to be happening to a bunch of half-mers. She told me not to go in the ocean because that could be a cause. I was wondering if there is any possible way to fix it."
"And this is how bad? Scale 1-10."
"My mom has resorted to watching Spanish soap operas and has been crying an unnatural amount of time, so I am going to say a 10." I responded.
"Yeah, I have no idea what is happening. We never learned about this stuff in kindergarten." I sighed.
"Crap." I mumbled. This wasn't going to well. Cyd walked in and plopped on the bed.
"This seems interesting," she said. She was laying on her stomach, facing us, and had her hand cupped so that she could hold up her head.
"Why do you eavesdrop so much?" Luke asked, he was clearly annoyed.
"I don't know. It's kinda like when you and Brayden would follow Heidi and Briar and because you had mmph mph mmpph mph mpph." She said as Luke cupped his hand over her mouth. I stifled a laugh.
"Why'd you follow us?" I asked.
"Because he had a crush on you since seventh grade!" Cyd blurred out.
"Out, now!" He pushed her out of his room and locked the door. I smiled at him.
"So, you had a crush on me since the seventh grade?"
"No, it was Brayden. He just dragged me along every time." He mumbled. I shrugged.
"Siblings eavesdrop but never get things right, I know. Once Hannah thought I broke my nose when I really was at the doctor for 11 year old shots." I laughed.
"Yeah, I know. If their gonna eavesdrop they might as well get the story right." He responded.
"Ok, you don't know, I don't know, I'm pretty sure Brynn doesn't know,"
"Hmph, have you tried asking other people...that aren't mermaids?"
"How would that even help? Do they even care about what's going on?"
"Actually, they do. If something happened to one species, it can spread." He explained.
"I've actually never thought about that. But, that can really happen?" I asked. He nodded.

Bzzt Bzzt

Your mom can't do training. So, I have to do it with you

Aunt Sage, are you sure my mom won't get, you know, emotional?

No, she'll be fine


Ok, she won't, just don't say a word


See you at the cave



I put my phone back in my pocket.
"I gotta go, training." I told Luke.
"Ok, I have to go to football anyway."
"Bye." We said in unison. I went back downstairs.
"Bye Cyd." She waved and I went out the front door. Great, it's raining. Guess I'll have to walk home in it...or I could swim. No, I wanna swim in the ocean as least as possible. I don't wanna lose my tail permanently or temporarily. I walked down the wet and rainy street; getting soaked in the process. I wasn't paying attention, and of course, stepped in a giant puddle. It made my boots and leggings very wet. They were drenched.
"Erg! You can't be serious!" I yelled with frustration in my voice. I walked up the hill and to the beach. I took of my wet boots and socks. I walked into the water and started swimming as fast as I could to the cave. The less time, the better. Once I arrived something seemed off. It was eerily quiet and my aunt was supposed to be here 10 minutes ago. Something was wrong.
Yeah, this chapter took forever to write. I hope you liked it and thanks for reading.

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