Chapter 16

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"Who's that?" Asked Shelby.
"My boyfriend."
"The guy you broke up with? You got back together?" I nodded in response.
"But I thought he was a-"
"Jerk? Backstabber? Idiot? No, he redeemed himself."
"Oh, you seem like a cute couple." Shelby commented.
"Thanks, according to Briar, we are." She giggled.
"I should probably head back. My parents will get worried."
"Ok, see you next time. Good luck with Sydney."
"Thanks." I dove under and started swimming. I have to admit, she always knows how to cheer me up. I was swimming and I heard a familiar voice.
"No, Kara, she's part fish. It's crazy, I know, but I've always knew there was something off about that girl." Sydney. Ok, I don't have time for this. I'm just gonna ignore her. But, maybe I should go back to the cove. No, the ship. I haven't been there in forever. I started swimming, deeper and deeper, into the water until I made it to the ship. It was stuck deep in the sand and was obviously abandoned. I swam in one of the windows. It wasn't a pirate ship, more of a ship like the titanic. So, like an old time cruise ship. In the room there was a bunch of tables and chairs, even a stage where they performed live music. It was creepy too; skeletons dressed in their fanciest clothes. Most of them had missing limbs. I shuttered and swam to another room. This was cool. Yeah, I've seen it many times, I just never explored it. I swam into one of the bedrooms. The dressers and beds were still filled with their things. There was even a small teddy sitting on the bed. I swam over to the dresser. There was a photograph of a family of 4 people; a mother, father, and two young girls, both identical. The girls were about 9 and the parents looked like they were in their late twenties. I stopped in my tracks. There was freaking humming....humming from a little girl. No! I already have enough ghosts in my life. And the humming was getting closer, and closer, and-
"Why are you in my room? And why are you rummaging through my stuff?"
"Oh, hi. I'm not doing that, I'm uh," Think, Heidi, think.
"I'm the maid. You know, cleaning is my job." I lied.
"Well, do you mind taking the trash can then? I've been waiting for someone to empty it for ages."
"The trashcan?" I said.
"Mhmm." The young girl replied. Well, she was actually a mermaid. A long, pearly white tail and part of her old dress was her top. Her hair was down but had two even section from each side pulled back by a bow. She had blue eyes and pale skin that freckles scattered on her cheeks.
"Ok! I lied, I was only rummaging through your things because it's abandoned. You know, you are a very smart 9 year old."
"Twelve, I'm a very petite twelve year old. Same with my sister."
"So, how'd that happen?" I asked.
"I was saved by one hunk of a merman."
"For a twelve year old from over 100 years ago, you are like my sister." She nodded.
"Yeah, I'm not really from a proper family. My name is Elise."
"Well, I gotta go. I have to go to singing lessons because I can't sing to save my life."
"Bye." She waved and swam out. I swam out and went to my favorite room, the room with all the valuables. No, I don't steal stuff (I don't stoop that low), I just simply like looking at the things from 100+ years ago. It's not weird. So I swam over to this big chest. Inside was some photos (in frames of course), some toys, clothes, and remains of a leather journal.
"I haven't seen you in a while." That's definitely not Elise.
"Dylan, hi."
"So, any success?"
"Oh, um, yeah. I actually am part human again."
"Why did you suddenly come back?" He asked.
"I am hiding from the future and what's to come. You see, my worst enemy aka the most popular girl at school that everybody loves, found out that I'm a mermaid." I squeaked.
"Well, you're dead." I glared at him.
"Hey, in only stating the truth. And you have to go home eventually."
"Oh I will....just maybe in 3 years or so." He did that disapproving look that all parents know how to do.
"Ok, maybe I'll go home after this conversation." I corrected.
"That's great. You may wanna head back. The waves are gonna be pretty bad tonight." I nodded.
"Thanks. I probably should get going. Bye Dylan."
"Bye." I swam out of the room and exited the boat through the window. I went back to the surface and just sat in the water. My shoulders and above were the only things showing. Ok, coast is clear. I swam to the shore and let my legs come back. Then I walked home and walked inside to see the most surprising thing.
Yeah, this chapter is really crappy. So many new characters. Elise won't be a main character, I just needed someone. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

The Power of Swan Cove Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt