Secret Weapon

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I woke up to a comfortable warmth surrounding me and snuggled into it with a slight smile on my face, Erebus shifted behind me, pressing me closer to him. I paused once realizing that the warmth that was surrounding me was him, but luckily he was still asleep and didn't notice my cuddly behavior. I lay there in silence deciding it was best not to wake him and waited for him to wake up on his own. A decent amount of time passed before he started to shuffle around and a small groan sounded from him, he stiffened for a second around me before going back to his normal posture.

"Good morning," I said weakly while facing forward,

"Morning" he replied,

Ugh, this is awkward, maybe I should do something. As soon as that thought crossed my mind he sat up on the bed and ran his hand over his face tiredly, my gaze snapped away from his face instantly when he looked over at me. I swear a smirk crossed his lips for a second before he got off the bed and walked to the bathroom, I laid there, completely clueless over what to do. The door to the bathroom opened before my eyes darted to see Erebus in a black suit, he shifted his tie slightly and for some reason, I had an urge to do that for him but didn't mention it before he looked up at me. My gaze stayed on him for awhile before he cleared his throat and started speaking,

"I have to go meet with a pack alpha and I won't be back till around 2, you are to stay in the house until I get back" he commanded but his tone held something different from yesterday, a gentleness.

"Oh okay, well I'll see you later then" I replied, obviously pretending not to care,

He seemed to have noticed my cheerfulness fade from my voice because his eyes softened at me as I sat up on the bed and looked away from him. I wanted to curse myself for acting so childish even when just yesterday we had met each other but it seemed impossible to not want to be around him, well that could be blamed on the mate bond, not me. Instead of walking out the door like I had thought he would he strode over to me on the side of the bed and his large hand went up to my face and held my cheek delicately in his palm, making me look up at him. A blush crept into my cheeks as he stared at me with a softened look for a few seconds, my breath hitched when he leaned down and pressed a kiss onto my forehead.

"I'll be back as soon as I can, alright?" he said in a low voice once he had pulled away,

I could only nod in response from my harsh breathing before he turned and walked out of the door, making sure to close it behind him. I pursed my lips while it started to occur to me that maybe he actually does like me a little bit, before getting carried away with my thoughts I got up from the bed groggily and went to the bathroom to take a shower. There were no soaps that didn't smell like Erebus but to be honest that didn't bother me much, after my shower I put on a pair of sweatpants that were his. I rolled them up on the pant leg multiple times and tied the waistband down and even then still had to roll them down a few times to fit me properly, along with a black T-shirt that was also his, I started to wish I had a bra to wear because if I were to get cold anyone who was around would be able to see my... anyway, I just wish I had a bra. Carefully, I made my way downstairs afraid that someone would yell at me for being down here that Erebus had said that I just couldn't leave the house. In the kitchen I searched for a pan and eggs for breakfast, I know Erebus had told me that the Luna shouldn't cook but nobody else was here and he had said that I should start eating properly. I ate at the table and washed my plate before looking at the clock and it was 11:30 now, still had a few hours left before Erebus would come back. I sat at the table for awhile trying to make the time go by faster by not thinking about it but when I looked back at the clock it was 11:45. My lips curved down into a frown before setting my head on the table with a sigh of annoyance. Suddenly a click sounded from the doorway which was around the corner meaning that someone had opened the door,

"Miss Luna? Hello?" a male voice echoed through the house as the man spoke.

"Hi, in here," I said while leaning to the side to see who it was,

A man with blonde hair who was pretty good looking but not as good as Erebus (well nobody could be compared to Erebus in my eyes) came around the corner and looked at me.

"Hi Luna, I'm Blake, the beta" his voice gave away that he was younger, "Oh hello Blake, I'm Layla" I replied "Nice to meet you, Layla, I just came to check on you, alpha's orders" "Yep, I'm just fine" "If you'd like I could show you around the house?" he asked kindly
"Um sure" I responded, knowing I had nothing better to do at the time.

I got up from my seat and we both walked around the house, he showed me the basement first which was more of a gigantic playroom it had a pool table and other fun little mini-games to play. He also showed me all the other rooms in the house and told me that the house had been passed down from the alphas of this pack for generations. When we got back upstairs it was 2 o'clock so Erebus would be home very soon probably, as if on cue the front door opened and we both looked up at the corner. Erebus came out and his eyes narrowed at Blake, I wanted to shrink back into a corner but decided better of it,

"Alpha Erebus, I was just showing the Luna here around the house," Blake said gesturing to me

"I told you to check on her, not stay around for a while and show her the house" Erebus nearly growled

"Well she didn't have much to do so-" I saw Blake's eyes lower as Erebus snarled at him,

"I don't care, you were not asked to give her a tour, you were not asked to talk back to me!" he took a few steps towards Blake,

"This attitude of yours better stop now, I don't know where you got the impression that it's alright to just ignore my orders but unless you want the Beta rank stripped from you I recommend you keep your goddamn mouth shut from now on."

My stomach hurt from how cruel he sounded but I still managed to open my big mouth,

"I-it's not Blake's fault Erebus, I-" I looked over at Blake who was staring at me with confusion,

"I asked him to show me around since I didn't feel comfortable just going wherever I pleased, I'm sorry," I said,

Erebus gave me an angered look and I lowered my head quickly.

"Blake get out of my house," he finally said and I could still feel his eyes burning into me,

"Yes sir" Blake replied before walking out of the living room and out the front door,

Erebus made his way over to me and I stood in the same position, trying to remember how good this morning was and convincing myself he wouldn't be violent. He stopped in front of me and very slowly I raised my head to look up at him, his hard blue gaze was still stiff and angry but I decided to try something and made a small smile at him. The whole innocent look may have an effect on him if he thought I was cute at all, which he probably didn't but it was worth a shot. When I smiled slightly he raised a questioning eyebrow at me and I smiled more widely a little bit, I'd rather have a confused eyebrow then an angry glare. A smirk appeared on his lips and I smiled more with happiness, now I knew how to make him not so angry with me, which was my new secret weapon.

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