The End

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Erebus P.O.V

We were supposed to be getting Layla's results back today, I had told her to stay at the house while I walked the camp area, checking patrols, listening to the members chat, etc. It was difficult to keep my cool but I stayed relaxed until Blake walked up to me, his expression unreadable.

"The doc told me to tell you he has Layla's results but it's best if you just tell her yourself later on," he said slowly, my stomach twisted at those words.

"Alright," I said before taking off towards the hospital, luckily I had already been relatively close so it only took me a few minutes to get there, I asked for the doctor at the front desk and sure enough he came out of the back room before beckoning me to follow him. I did and kept his pace as we walked to his office,

"What? Why couldn't I bring Layla?" I had to clench my fists from raising my voice at him, he didn't respond until we walked into his office and he closed the door behind him.

"Alpha, Layla is unable to carry an heir," he said quietly, my expression dropped at his words,

"Why not?"

"Her body is just too fragile, from the years she had of abuse it'd just be too much for her to handle. If she was to try and have an heir it would end up killing her and possibly the child as well. It's just too much of a risk to take" I could hear the concern in his voice for his luna. The image of her body clinging to the edge of the riverbank came to my mind, she had looked dead while trying to hold onto my arm. I pushed past that memory and looked at him,

"Alright" I kept my voice steady,

"I'm sorry Alpha Erebus," he said,

"Not your fault, thank you for informing me" I turned around and opened the door before walking out of the hospital.

I didn't want to tell Layla but I had to, I knew how much she wanted this and she's going to immediately blame herself for it because that was just how Layla was and I don't think anyone could ever change that.

The whole camp seemed to watch me as I walked back to the house, they must have all known we had been waiting for the results to see if Layla could carry an heir. I didn't say anything though if anyone should be the first to be told it was Layla, I stepped into the house and sighed at the sweet smell of my mate that now flooded the house. She must have heard the door open because she came walking down the stairs instantly,

"Did the doctor call us in?" she chirped, stopping in front of me with a smile. I could feel the pain rise in my chest while looking down at her, I didn't respond instead I lifted her up into my embrace and walked into the living room. She laughed before I sat down on the couch, her hands pressed against my chest,

"Well did he?" she asked,

"Yes but he had to tell me first," I said, taking one of her hands in mine

"Oh, well what did he say?"

It took me a few moments to finally say it,

"You can't carry an heir Layla" I looked into her brown eyes, her expression dropped

"Did he say why?" she asked quietly

"Your body is too fragile, you would most likely end up dying and there's a good chance the baby would as well" I kept my voice level, pretty much waiting for her to break down.

"Oh" she responded, looking to the side

"Layla this isn't your fault alright? There's nothing you could have done to change this" I said hurriedly, she nodded but I knew there was no use trying to talk her out of what she was thinking.

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