20. Scary eyes.

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A/N: I'm so sorry for not updating yesterday. It was my sister's wedding and I thought that I would do it in the morning but everything was so chaotic and I couldn't do it. Anyways back to story, I know I left a cliffhanger and made you wait for it. Sorry.

Elisa's P.O.V

I bolted up suddenly in my bed, I----

There was a wolf howling not so far away from me.

I tried to clear my vision but the light coming from sky was not so bright--

Wait what? Sky? Why in the hell am I looking at sky instead of the ceiling's bedroom?

And why was my bed, no Alec's bed soo hard and smelled of soil.

I brushed my eyes to clear the line of my vision. When it did I was scared to my soul.

Oh my God! What am I doing in Alec's woods in the middle of night.

I tried to stand up but when I put my weight on my hands I screamed in pain.

Olivia's wound was bleeding again from now dirty bandage.

Oh no--

Suddenly I felt as if someone was watching me.

I glanced around and for a moment the scream I so wanted out of my throat was stuck in my trachea.

There, in front of me were menacing red eyes even more frightening than those of vampires during the dance, were looking at my sitting form.

That's why I heard the howl so close to me. Oh my God!I need to move else I'll there desert tonight.

As if hearing my thoughts, more appeared and surrounded me, blocking my any form of escape and kept their oval, angry red eyes on me.

My mind shouted one name and so did I.


How is it possible that I ended up here in these frightening woods.

And those wolves, I still remember that they had bright yellow eyes when I first saw them while crossing the woods with Alec to reach the castle.

Then why are their eyes so haunting red now.

I heard a twig snap behind me and saw that they were forming a more close circle around me, as if they were gonna jump on me any second now.

"ALECCCCC!" I called him again and started crying as I felt them growing more close with each second.

I also noticed that however loud I was screaming the wolves seem unfazed by my loud intensity, like my scream was not even reaching their ears. How?


Suddenly I felt a warm tingling sensation on my left hand.

I glanced down to see that Alec's Mother's ring was glowing bright acqamarine color.

I heard the wolves howl and looked back to see that their eyes seemed to stray away from me and on my hand, more specifically on the ring.

What is this?

I moved a little because all the wolves were staring at the ring but curse my luck as the dried leaved under my legs made a loud crunching noise on a dead night.

The wolves snapped their gazes back at me and growled loudly.

They crouched down on their front legs.

Oh my God! This is the end of my life? But I've lived so little and had only two years of happines.

One of the biggest wolf in the pack, supposedly their Alpha, jumped and I closed my eyes and waited for his impact to crush my bones.

Running Scared Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora