84. Fun.

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Alec's POV

Finally this is going to end tonight. Even if I don't survive to see tomorrow, I'll not have any regrets. My only pain will be seeing my littleone sad. She'll do something reckless for me, she'll try to save my sorry ass. She doesn't know what kind of monster I am. And this monster loves her so damned much

That's why I have to do this.

I shut down all my senses and put 4 thick imaginary walls around my heart to seal up my half bond. I don't want her to feel any pain beacause of me. I don't want her feel anything from me right now because she would not be able to handle my emotions.

I'm so sorry Littleone but I have to do this. For your safety I'll go to any lengths. For you I'll give my own life away even if you hate me for it.

I've vowed that I won't allow you to feel the pain again and I intend to keep that vow. I'm not going to share my pain with you.

I reached the spot where this war started 6 centuries ago and waited for that bastard. How I wishthat I could torture his mate in front of him, kill her in front him while he's helpless to do anything.

Oh how I'm going to love torturing him.

"Where are you f**ker? Are you so scared of me that you won't even come out to face me? Or are you going to attack from the back like you always do, Coward?" I said as I strained my ears for even slightest amount of voice. I know what he's going to do.

I heard the steel slicing through the air and easily caught the arrow that was about to pierce my heart from the back. My guess was right, cowards remained cowards for lifetime.

"So coward it is." I said and turned around to see him face to face with me. His green eyes were burning with anger and something else that I couldn't point my finger at.

"Hello to you too Alec Kincaid. What a pleasent night it is, right?" He asked smiling at me as if we were old friends meeting after centuries.

I smiled at him too, "A pleasent enough night to kill the dirt off this earth. Dirt like you. Tell me, do you have any last words to say?" I said as I turned the arrow around my fingers.

"I think that question was supposed to be mine to ask. Haven't you learned anything from me during this 6 centuries? I have never lost a single fight or war, whatever makes you think that I'll lose today? That I'll die tonight?" He asked making his eyes wide.

I smirked, "Because you haven't fought me. You've not faced me in those 6 centuries or else you would've been ashes deep under the ground by now." I said and then my eyes burned with rage turning to mercury silver colour.

"I don't think there are more formalities to exchange." Saying that I thrust the arrow in his chest just above his heart. He gasped as blood marred his chest.

"There's so much more for you to suffer." I said as I embedded the arrow more deeply in his chest.

"Kill me now and end this!" He suddenly yelled as he caught my hand and tried to pull the arrow out of his chest.

I frowned down at him, "Why? Are you regretting what you did or is this some other sick game you're playing with me." I said as I punched his face.

"No, I'm not playing any game! I just want this to be over and meet my sweet mate. Please kill me Alec! I'm begging you." For almost a second I believed that he might actually be sorry for what he did.

Almost a second.

"What game are you playing you f**king bastard?" I yelled at him as I kicked his stomach and created some distance in between us.

Suddenly he began laughing, "I'm the best actor in this world, aren't I?" He said and then fell into another fits of laughter.

I caught his collar and pulled him to my eye level, "What dirty game are you playing now Gilfred?" I asked in a calm cold voice but deep down I was burning in rage.

A sharp pain sliced in my heart and I bent down to my side as I put my hand over my heart to staunch the blood flow.

Damn it! I should've paid attention.

I pulled out the Quatar from my chest, "Come out sweetheart." Glifred said.

I glanced up to see a young woman with short dark hair and blue eyes coming out from behind a tree.

How is it that I did not sense her standing there?

Who is she?

"Meet my ally Alec, only she can understand me. She knows you did wrong to me by killing my mate and now she's going to help me to deliver you to hell. But first I want to torture you." He said coming slowly towards me.

The area around my heart stitched up, "You think I couldn't take down your b**ch? Have you ever seen me how I kill Gilfred?" I asked straightening up.

"Oh I've seen how you so ruthlessly kill someone, I've seen in all those years how you never cared about anyone. And I do know that you can kill me the same way but there is a difference this time Alec, in all past years you never had a weakness
But now you do." He said and waved his hand at the girl.

"You're wrong. I'm not his weakness, I'm his strength." A voice said beside me.

She was not supposed to come here.

Both Gilfred and that girl gasped as Elisa came to stand beside me.

"You can't tie me up girl. I'm too strong to be bound up by yours powers." Elisa said to the girl and Gilfred glared at her.

Elisa then turned her gaze at me, "You're so dead once we get out of this alive." She said  glaring up at me.

"You cannot do a simple task of capturing her? I thought you said you have more powers than her." Gilfred yelled at her.

Elisa smirked beside me, "Oh she does Gil-f**king-fred, I just have more upgraded dark version of powers than her. You thought that by linking my life with you, Alec will never kill you but I already knew your tactics. I knew that a coward like you would never face Alec without doing some dirty work. So I just broke the spell that bound my life to you. Now... whatever you feel will only be felt by you. Sorry, I'm not a really great fan of pain." Rage vented up in me and I let it out on my target.

I ran to him with vamp speed and caught him by his neck, "I will f**king break each and every limb in your body. You dared to use my mate as my weakness! You tried to hurt her again!" I roared and pulled of his right arm, fully dislocating and separating it from the rest of his body.

Blood splayed as I threw his arm in the opposite direction. His screams echoed around the woods as I panted to tone down my anger.

"There is so much torture I've planned for you!" I said as I hauled him up.

"We're going to have so much fun tonight." I hissed in his ears as I threw him against a rock.


Here's your 1st update.

2nd one is coming along. Just enjoy and chill.

Love you all.

Until then hugs and see ya

Running Scared Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon