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"Yo wake up." A deep voice said shaking me.

I opened my eyes and saw Ace standing over me with a toothbrush in his mouth.

"What?" I asked confused.

"I told you I'm taking you shopping today." He said moving the brush back and forth over his teeth.

"Oh yea." I said stretching my arms.

He walked out of the guest room.

I yawned and got out the bed. I went down the stairs and saw Abby sitting on the couch with her eyes glued to the TV.

"All you do is watch TV."

"I have missed so many episodes of Empire. I gotta catch up." She said making me laugh.

"That show is actually for Grown people." I told her.

"Oh well. I'm still gonna' watch it."

I shook my head and poured me a glass of orange juice.

Ace came down the stairs fully dressed.

"Lauren hurry up." He rushed me.

"I don't have any clothes to put on." I simi yelled.

"Just put on the same clothes you had on yesterday."


"Go do it." Ace cut me off.

I jogged back up the stairs and quickly put the same clothes on. I threw my hair into a neat pony tail then I was ready.

"I'm ready." I said putting on my jacket.

"Let's go then."

Abby turned the TV off. Me and Abby were just about to walk out the front door until Ace stopped us.

"Where yall going?" He asked.

"To get in the car duh."

"Nah we not taking the Benz today."

"Then what are we gonna' take? The bus?" I asked confused.

"Nah. We gone take one of these."Ace said and opened a door that led to a garage full of cars and trucks.

There was a Audi, Tahoe, a Jeep, a Maserati, a Range Rover and about 3 other foreign cars.

My mouth dropped at the sight. "Oh my fucking gosh."

Seeing all these cars made me start to think. Where does he work? Where is he getting all this money to afford this shit?

"Oooooo a Range Rover." Abby said pulling on the door handle.

"Aye don't touch it. I haven't driven it yet."

"Well can you drive it today?" Abby asked him.

"Nah lil mama. It's suppose to rain today. I don't wanna get it dirty."

Abby smacked her lips. "Well can we take the Jeep?"


We all got in and put our seat belts on. Ace then pulled out of the garage and onto the road.

"So I was just wondering what do you do for a living?" I asked him.

He looked at me and chuckled. "What I tell you bout' that?"

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