Chapter 7 - "Hey troublemaker."

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The sound of a car on the pebble drive pulled Amelia to her window. At the sight of a blonde head and tailored suit stepping from the driver's of a small green, sports car, Amelia went running. By the time the car door was slammed shut, Amelia was at her own door.

Her bare feet padded along the carpeted hallway. The visitor had just been admitted into the entryway when Amelia descended the stairs and raced across the tile floor. A wide smile, bright blue eyes and broad face turned to her.

Will barely had time to brace himself before Amelia had flung her arms around him.

"Hey troublemaker," he teased.

Amelia beamed up at the face before her, his usually neat blonde hair was wind blown.

"Look whose talking, criminal mastermind," she retorted.

"That may be the case, but I was never the one to carry out the dastardly deeds."

"That's true, but only because I was brave enough."

"You say brave, I say stupid," he laughed.

Amelia slapped his arm and he shied away from her, still wearing a smug smile. A door down the hall opened and Charlie stepped out, his face brightening into a smile when he spotted Will.

"William! I thought I heard my sister making an idiot of herself. I should have know you'd be the cause," Charlie said.

"Charles. What can I say? I have that effect on all women."

"I had hoped Amelia would be immune to it."

"I am immune to it," Amelia said.

They both laughed, and Amelia's frown melted at the sound.

"Gosh it's good to see you Will," Amelia said.

"Same, my dear Amy," Will said.

"Before you too elope, let us have a pot of tea," Charlie said, good naturedly.

He clapped Will on the shoulder and directed him across the entryway. Amelia scampered to keep up. In the kitchen Will shrugged off his suit jacket and rolled up his sleeves.

"What's with the suit anyways?" Amelia asked.

"I had breakfast with my father. That's the main reason I wasn't here earlier," Will said.

"How'd it go?" Amelia asked, reaching for the teapot.

Will shrugged and grunted, his gaze floating away.

"It was fine."

Their eyes met and she gave him a sad smile.

"Where's this tea I was promised?" Will said, his voice commanding as he sat.

"It's coming, your royal highness," Charlie said, mockingly.

He took the tea pot out Amelia's hands and shooed her away. Amelia jumped onto the barstool beside Will. She nudged his shoulder with hers. He smiled and the tension left his shoulders.

"So Charles, tell me about your life?" Will said.

A plate of biscuits, a pitcher of milk, cups and saucers appeared before them as Charlie chatted about his life. The conversation topics stayed breezy as they drank their tea. The warmth of the kitchen and familiar scent and taste of tea, easily pulled laughs out of the trio. When the final cup was emptied, Will looked to Amelia.

"Shall we go?" he asked.

"Where are we going?" she asked, her eyebrows raised.

"To elope of course," he said.

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