Chapter 40 - "I wouldn't bail."

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Three days later, the door to the apartment burst open and Poppy strode in.

"Are you ready to go?" Poppy asked.

Amelia raised her head, fixing Poppy with a blank expression.

"Go where?"

"To breakfast of course, I texted you about it."

"Ah, you see there's where the confusion lies. I've had my phone turned off since Sunday," Amelia said, easily.

"You've had your phone off for three days? How are you even breathing right now?"

"Technically, I'm only breathing because I turned it off. It had been going crazy since Saturday night. Everyone asking why Sebastian was at the showcase and whether I could pass along their information to him. How everyone got my number is beyond me. But I have decided to blame Reynolds, to give me a peace of mind."

"But how do you know when your rehearsals with Danny are going to take place? Surely you must need to have it for that?"   

"It's called email, Pops."

"But you need your phone." Poppy said, baffled.

"Oh dear Poppy. Remember there was a time where email was actually on the computer before it was on phones. I know its hard to understand but I can still get to my email without having to turn my phone."

"Very funny, I'm not an idiot, I just haven't done that in a while," Poppy said, defensively.

Waving away the comment, Amelia shrugged.

"So we're going to breakfast? Any reason? You miss having your best friend in your life? Or is it since Will has left you decided to grace me with your presence once again?" Amelia asked, mockingly.

"Of course it's because William left that I'm here. Don't be stupid in thinking I would miss you."

"You're mad because I was patronizing, aren't you?"

Poppy tossed aside her hair and fixed Amelia with a steady stare, the universal language for of course that's the reason.

"I'm sorry Pops, you're not catching me in my better moments, it's not been a great last couple of days."

"No matter, let us go grab breakfast together. Enjoy our freedom from school. Celebrate my approaching departure and talk over your woes. And what a mess you've made of them," Poppy said, happily.

"How could I resist such an offer?" Amelia said, dryly pulling on Sebastian's hoodie.


Amelia pulled the door open to a small cafe and followed Poppy inside. They sat by a window, a flower box just within their reach sprouting a wild boutique of delicate flowers, their faces uplifted to the sunlight. A thin waiter with a trimmed beard stepped over to them.

"Can I start you ladies off with something to drink?" he asked, pad in hand and pencil poised.

"Orange juice would be great," Amelia said.

"I'll have a decaf coffee," Poppy said, glancing up and smiling.

The server readily returned the smile and left them with the promise they would have those things shortly. Amelia stared out at the rushing world, her thoughts nowhere near thinking about the people passing by, but the just one person and where he was at that moment.   

"Can you believe it? I will be leaving in a week for London. It's crazy how soon its approaching," Poppy said.

"Yup, spending a whole summer with the love of your life," Amelia said, casually.

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