4. A new family.

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As soon as I left Doc Evans, I decided to finally go to the diner and share some good news with Hannah. Somehow I thought that she would want to know. And also I was kind of hungry after my little "save the fox" episode.

Again, the town was tiny, so it took me even less then 10 minutes to get there. I parked my car at the entrance, rolled up the windows, made a mental note to find a car cleaning service to get rid of the blood from the fox and went to the diner as fast as I could.

This time the fact that all the chatting stopped as soon as I walked in didn't bother me at all. I looked pretty decent today and my mind was set on finding Hannah, so I payed no attention to the glares everyone was trowing me. The place was packed, but I hoped that Hannah would find me a spot.

The same time I spotted her, she turned my way and waved at me.

"Emily, sweetie, nice to see you again!", she said, while giving me a hug. "And must I say, you look way better than yesterday! I suppose Shirley and Jonathan treated you well?", she continued.

"Yes, they did!", I answered squeezing her hand and trying to express how thankful I am. "And I got a good night sleep and Shirley also gave me this tea, that is like a magic cure from the morning sickness! I ate breakfast!", I said way more excited, that I should be, but well, I was in a very good mood and you can also blame the hormones... But Hannah just laughed, so I guess she was glad for me.

"That's so nice to hear, sweetheart!", she gave my hands a reassuring pat and guided me to an empty space at the bar, not too fast though, for what I was also thankful.

"Please, tell me you are hungry, because I can't stand the lack of meet on your bones, it makes my eyes sore!!" She chimed like a mother hen, and I laughed again.

"Yes, I am! I think I could eat an elephant right now!", I giggled.

"Well that's what I love to hear! Sit, I'll bring you some water and the menu", she helped me to get on the high bar stool.

"Thanks!", i said and gave her a warm smile.

While I was waiting, I took a quick glance of the people that gathered inside. Most of them were either in their fifties or teens. But one thing I thought was weird but quiet appealing - all of them were good looking. Especially the men. Damn, these teens were hot. Don't get me wrong, I'm not into seducing a teenager, and frankly, considering the events that took place only two months ago, men were the last thing on my mind, but they could honestly all be models. There was definitely something in the air in this town.

I also caught some observing me suspiciously, but not in an aggressive manner, just with curiosity, and that was understandable - a new girl in town with a scar on her face and with a cane. But my mood today was way too good to let it get to me. I got a job. One thing I thought would be nearly impossible considering my pregnancy. And on top of that I got a dream job, which is also near to impossible, because I don't have a degree yet, but I guess it's my lucky day, right?

Soon Hannah was back with my water and the menu.

"So, apart from a deserved rest and a breakfast is there anything else that made you look so bubbly?", she said leaning to the bar right next to me.

"As a matter of fact there is another thing!", I said excitedly.

"I'm all ears, honey", she said with a smile.

"Well, I met teens on my way here, apparently they got into some care accident and ran over a fox. So we took it to the vet's and Doc Evans hired me!", I bragged with a huge grin, to which Hanna brought her hands to her heart a squealed so loud, that I thought I would go deaf.

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