20. Another storm

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Officially that was the end of my boring life. Did I really say that it was boring? Pff, how could I hope for that, that's just impossible with my luck. I should have known that it was just a calm before the storm. Considering every obstacle in my freaking life I should have known that nothing would end up good with me involved. How did it all come to that? I was good, a good girl, living by the rules of God, being good to people, but it seems as if it doesn't really matter, it seems as if I'm doomed to have my mind blown away every once in a while. Often. 

Starting from the second doc Evans took those pictures from my shaking hands my boring life was over. Am I repeating myself? Well sorry, I'm shocked. Because I thought everything was over, I would live a happy lamb life with my supernatural baby girl and die old and boring. No such luck apparently. We were instantly back to that night Nathan revealed the specifics of my pregnancy to my new family - kitchen again, with the twins, Lena, Hannah, Jonathan, Shirley, doc Evans, Nathan and Andrew. Andrew was a ghost to me, since I saw him only twice, but he was Nathan's beta, he was present as well, just in case some help was needed. And concerning my situation, I could use all the help I could get now, even from a guy I don't really know. 

"Emily, try to think, did you contact anyone from your previous life since you've been here?" - that was Nathan, the serious Alpha. His eyes were dark and concentrated, I felt like squirming in my seat, but tried holding myself together.

"No, I'm sure. Even when we went to visit Dr. Green for the first time, she assured me that the record transfer would be safe and the information of my whereabouts would be kept anonymous..." - I tried hard to will my voice not to shake, but I was pretty shook up, I had a stalker for crying out loud! I'm allowed to be nervous, right?

"Right. And what about your social networks? Any status updates? Pictures uploaded? Anything?" - that was Andrew. He honestly didn't look like the guy who would post something on Facebook, but you never know...

"Nope, I have deleted my Facebook and Instagram accounts maybe two cities away when I started receiving unpleasant messages. I haven't even checked my email, since doc was handling all my university related things."

"Google account?"

"I did use google, yes, but only for research when I was studying for my final exam. And I don't use Circles. And no, I don't have a phone, it was lost somewhere along the way, I wouldn't even be able to tell you when or where, I used it last before I arrived here, so I just don't know..." I was clutching my fingers so tight, that my knuckles turned white.

"How are you so antisocial?!" Simon exclaimed in mock horror, clearly he was trying to lighten the mood. Unsuccessfully. 

"Simon." Was all Jonathan said, and in an instant the bubbly twin sunk back into his own self with a slight blush on his cheeks. 

"Doc, how exactly did you get this letter?" Nathan turned his serious gaze to doc Evans, although his authority didn't affect the grumpy old man in the slightest. 

"It arrived to the clinic in a monthly package from the university." Doc Evans once again looked slightly bored, but this time I saw straight through him - he was concerned. Everyone was. 

"Ok, doc, can you make a call to the university and find out who exactly delivered the envelope?"

"First thing in the morning."

Nathan just nodded.

"Sooo..." I started shily. "What now?"

Nathan looked at me and rubbed his chin in thought. After a few moments he came to some sort of conclusion in a mental one man debate with himself and graced us with his opinion, casting a wary glance towards Jonathan.

"I say we call Nick."

"Alpha, is it truly necessary? He still has a couple of months left of his training." Andrew spoke for the first time since arriving, and I was slightly startled by his deep baritone. 

Nathan kept his eyes on Jonathan for a while and then spoke again.

"Actually his warrior trainings are over already, currently he is traveling in search of his mate."

The twins perked up at that information and started throwing in question after question interrupting one another. It was the first time I saw Seamus this excited.

"Why didn't we know about it?"

"Why didn't he call?"

"He could have at least drop by our dorm to say hi... Bastard."

"Simon, language!" That was Shirley, all right. Hannah just smirked and Lena rolled her eyes.

"The ever romantic brothers..."

"By the way, how did he finish his training that fast?" - the rational Seamus was back. Doc Evans snorted to that, but did answer.

"Because he is clever and strong. The Goddess did grace the eldest brothers with the full package, although the package clearly was split in half on the last two..."

"C'mon, doc, don't be so bitter, you're just jealous of our looks!" aaand that was the typical Simon. 

"What ever rocks your boat, kid."

The light banter between the three of them was amusing, but Jonathan stayed dead serious. That has become clear by the tone of his voice when he spoke.

"You are not telling us everything, son. If you think that we need to summon Nick, something is going on. Spill."

And at that moment I realised the true power Jonathan possessed, because the former Alpha with his statement was able to make the current one lower his gaze and rub his neck sheepishly. 

"Yeah, we found out something all right..." with a heavy sigh Nathan turned to Andrew and silently gave him the cue to speak.

"We did some digging and found out who of the three bastards is a werewolf."

At that my breath got caught somewhere deep in my throat. I didn't want to know. A ringing started in my ears as if trying to guard me from a piece of unwanted information. I didn't want to put a name to the father of my girl. To the one that so brutally violated me and left me with physical reminders of that night for life. 

Shirley, sensing my unease, stepped closer to me and placed a protective arm around my shoulders in a side hug, gently squeezing me. 

"I'm sorry, Emily, but this is important." Andrew spoke my way. I knew that, I wasn't a complete fool, but understanding is one thing, battling my inner demons is a totally different one. 

Put your big girl pants on and do what is necessary! I told myself. I had to keep calm, I had to get my life back together. Thatš why I gave Andrew a small smile and a nod.

"Ok, so... From the three of them, Dug and Ronny are insignificant, but Conner on the other hand..."

"Which one was Connor?" asked Jonathan grimmly.

"The mayor's son." I injected quietly. Suddenly I realized, that this was not as unexpected as I thought it would be. Connor was the main guy, it was only logical, that he was the strongest... It didn't make me feel any less scared and disgusted with him, his friends, myself for being weak and, well, just life.

"He's not just the mayor's son." now Andrews tone was grave. If I could get more tense, I would, but at that point I was... resigned. I was tired and scared. 

"What more can he be?" I asked in a whisper, but everyone heard.

"He is the grandson of the same Alpha that hunted down every single healer..."

A/N Surprise! A double update! Wop wop! I just checked the stats for the story and found out that we're close to 1k reads! My god, that's AMAZING!!!!! Thank you so so so much everyone! 

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