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Allysus: i think i just broke up with troy

Finah: what??? what happened??

Allysus: he was complaining because i told him i didnt want to... u know....

Allysus: and so he got pissed, and then we were arguing

Allysus: then i was like "im done with this" and left

Allysus: and now im crying but i dont know why

Allysus: ive kind of wanted to dump him for awhile

Lauren: aw:( babe

Finah: ill punch him square in the face

Mila: ^^ two types of people

Mila: sorry not the time

Mila: ally i stg he is so not worth it if he cant respect ur boundaries.

ManiBear: yeah girl

ManiBear: also @ dinah i will fight him with u

Lauren: it'll be ok babe

Allysus: i just.. i cant stop crying and i really want to

Lauren: it's ok to cry, als. how long were you in a relationship for?

Allysus: two years

Lauren: in that case, it's perfectly reasonable that you're upset. you've been together so long that it'd be nearby impossible to just forget about it and not cry or be upset. you've just gotta get through it. and we'll be here for you until you pick yourself back up.

Allysus: omg i love u guys

Lauren: love you too ❤

Finah: damn where has lauren been every time ive been upset

ManiBear: i need me a lauren to cheer me up too

Lauren: i'll be here if anyone needs help. just give me a call and i'll do whatever i can to make you feel better ❤

Mila: 😍

Allysus: shit hes calling me

Finah: hoe don't do it

Allysus: im not, I declined it

Lauren: block his number

Lauren: actually you know what, give me his number

Allysus: lauren...

Lauren: im not gonna do anything bad, I promise

Allysus: ......ok......


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