sixty three

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Lauren has added Lucy*

Lauren: you had no right to go through my messages and text my friends

Lauren: and i know it wasn't an accident that my phone went missing and i was left with yours after you invited yourself over to try and "talk things out"

Lauren: i don't want you anymore, don't you fucking know that?

Lauren: you hurt me too much for us to even be anything close to fine

Lauren: i'm not gonna waste my time telling them what really happened, because honestly? i'm over it

Lauren: but just fucking know we are not friends and you cannot bring them into this ever again.

Lucy: of course we aren't friends, babe

Lauren: did you not read a thing i just said?

Lauren: leave me, my friends, and my girlfriend alone

Lauren: or i swear to god, vives

Lucy: what? lol

Lucy: what the fuck kind of power do u have over me?

Lucy: i don't need ur permission to talk to any of them

Lauren: stay the fuck away from my friends

Lauren: goodbye, lucy


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