chapter 25 - fight part 2 (edited)

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I walk to my car and get in

"Follow us" Vanessa shouts from her brother car

"Okay" I shout back
We all leave and drive towards my dad gang hideout.
As soon as we arrive I park my car next to Mike and follow them into a small house
"Welcome to my parents house" mike says as he points his hands to the house
"It's lovely" I say smiling
"Come on I show you around" he say as he grabs my hand.
We walk in the house and walk towards a kitchen.
I look into the kitchen and notice mike mom coming some food she must be around 35 she looks very lovely short blonde hair and green eyes.
I smile at his mom
"Hello dear, you must be Natalie nice to meet you I am Sally Mike and Vanessa mom my husband Brain his with your father at the moment" she says smiling at me
"It's nice to meet you to Sally and oh okay that fine you have a lovely kitchen" I say as I look around
She has white blinds and the draws are white and she even has a swimming pool in the garden
"Thank you" she says smiling
"Come on I show you more around" Vanessa says
"It's though Mike was showing me around?" I say confused
"He was but then his girlfriend Tilly called" she says as she rolls her eyes
"Oh okay I didn't know he had a girlfriend" I say
"Yeah they have been together for 1 year so far" Vanessa says
"Oh" I say as I feel my heart break a little.
"Anyway this rooms are front room obviously this is where my parents chill I on the other hand chill in my bedroom" she says laughing
She takes us up her zig zag stairs and stop in the halls
"That door over their is my room" she says.
I nod and we walk down a bit more and we see Mike in his room kissing a girl.
The girl had long blonde hair and pale skin.
"That must be Tilly right" I ask Vanessa looking at them kissing
"Yes and eww shut you door no one wants to see you two kissing" Vanessa says as she slams her brother bedroom door
"Vanessa don't slam the doors" her mom shouts from down stairs
"Sorry" she shouts back.
"Anyway let's go see the gang" Vanessa says smirking
We walk down the stair and I say good bye to their mother and we leave to the gang house as we walk in all we can see is a load of lads shouting at a TV
"Guys this is Natalie her father is the boss here" Vanessa shouts at all the boys
"Hi" they all say together.
I smile and say hi back and we sit with them on the sofa and watch the football match

The gangleader wants me. (Complete)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt