Chapter 48 - Body and Plan (edited)

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When i heard that Natalie was missing i could not help but blame myself it is my fault.

As i walked around my office i just knew something bad is about to happen my heart had this pain like a electric shock going through my heart i just felt so sad.

i walk to the window that in my office and see one of my men run into the building i wonder why his so much in a rush.

As i carry on looking out the window i notice Natalie family and friends coming through the gate and as they got closer i could see her mother crying, i quickly ran to my office down then ran down stairs so i could met them down the stairs.

"Did you find her?" i ask as i look at her parents

As soon as i said that her mother burst out in more tears, i felt like i said something wrong so i walked over to her and hold her shoulder.

"i am sorry what's wrong?" i ask concerned as i looked at her still crying

As i spoke i noticed that Natalie dad was also upset along with Kyle and her friends

"Its best i show you, son" Natalie father says as he leads me to a van parked next to them

i follow Natalie dad to the van and watch as they open the door.

Nothing prepared me for what i saw next.

i instant fell to my knees, i could not believe what i was seeing.

Right in front of me was Natalie body not moving just lying still, i slowly moved closer and as i moved closer i noticed her bruised body and a bullet shot.

i quickly grab her body and cry into her chest as i hug her

"Why" i shouted as loud as i could

"i am sorry Natalie please forgive me, i love you i will get revenge for this i won't let you die like this you mean so much to me, i tried to keep you safe by staying away only to let him get to you, i will kill him for you my love" i say as i cry into her chest

as i was talking to her i did not notice Natalie father sit right next to me till her grabbed my shoulder to pull away.

"we will all get our revenge on him together, you should know he also sent a video i did not watch it i did not feel it would be right to watch it without you their" Her father says as he looks at her still body

i nod and lay Natalie on the floor, i turn to one of my men and say "find a blanket for her and put it onto her body"

i then walk out of the van and walk into my front room.

her father puts the DVD into the DVD player and we all sat down and watch the video.

after we saw the video we all sat their crying i could not believe he sent a video of him killing her and how he did it her speech was wonderful to us all.

"i am sorry, you should not have saw that she did nothing wrong i promise you i will get my revenge for you and for Natalie" i say to her parents and friends angered at the video i just saw.

"Mike, let us help you we want to help Natalie would not want us to just sit here and watch" Her father says standing up and walking over to me.

"She also would not want you to get hurt like she did or worse die she would want you to live i can't guarantee that you will live after this" i say to her father as i watch him looking at his wife then to me and she nods

"we don't care, we want revenge and we will help you even if you don't want us to Mike because that our daughter that just died and we deserve to help kill the person that did this to her" her father says shouting.

"okay we do this together, as a team but i will kill him you guys help me take down his team so that this won't happen again to anyone" I say smiling

"deal" her father says and walks over to me smirking then shakes my hand

"let's get that man and make Natalie proud of us and make her happy" i shout to all of them

"yes let's do this thing" her friends and family shout.

"we need to work on a plan, then we do this thing together" i say as i walk to my office and grab a plane paper and walk back downstairs to everyone.

i lay the sheet of paper on the table and grab a pen, i draw six circle "right Natalie parents you will be guarding the door if anyone comes out or in you shoot if you don't know them, Natalie friends you will be looking out from above watching to see if anyone on the way and tell her parents through the walkie talkie as for Kyle you will be helping me and my men inside taking down and finding Sebastian boyfriend so we can kill him together" i say to all of them as i look at them as i tell them the plan

they all nod and smirk "this will be a great plan" Kyle says smirking

"thank you i wanted you to join me in this because i knew how much Natalie means to you i have currently got two of my men tracking where Sebastian boyfriend is so we can take him down i want you all to stay here tonight as of tomorrow we began the plan i will let my men take you to your new room good night" i say to all of them.

they all follow my men to their new room while i back outside and grab Natalie body and carry it into the house and lay her on a bed in a different room. " I promise you i will keep your family safe and i will kill him for you" i whisper into her ear then kiss her head then her mouth then leave the room.


Next chapter coming soon  hope you all enjoyed the chapter so far dont forget to vote :) 

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