Chapter 38

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Now I should've known shit between Twan and I was too good to be true, but I guess I just had to let shit get real first. But after weeks of spending EVERY DAY together at his granddads house, his granddad fell ill. Now me being the sensitive person I was, I babied him and when he cried I cried along with him. Then one night, his granddad died. He didn't want to talk about it, but of course I pushed him because I didn't want him feeling like he didn't have anyone to talk to. You see it went deep for him because when no one else would take care of his granddad, he dropped out of college to do it himself. 😣
     So the day they started to clean out his granddad's things, him and me were laying in his bed watching tv when his cousins all showed up to help. I continued to lay my fat ass in the bed because what use am I when I can barely walk. Well after he had packed everything up for them to take, he came back and laid in bed with me. His aunt showed up, then that's when shit started getting crazy. He and his aunt got into an argument because he had me there. Now his granddad didn't have a problem with me coming over, but his aunt didn't know that because she was from out of town and didn't keep in touch.
  She was one of those family members who do You wrong while You're alive then once You die they're the most hysterical ones. But Yeah, they argue and he eventually comes back and me being me I'm trying to calm him down because he's cursing her out but regardless she's his elder so he should have more respect for her. This of course, made her flip the bullshit on me calling me a hoe which pissed me off cause I'm defending her ass. My emotions got the best of me though and before I know it I start crying and getting ready to leave before shit escalates because regardless I respect my elders. 👐🏾

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