Chapter 44

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"Hypothetically, of course, what if some things are better left unsaid or would you want to know instead. Hypothetically, of course, are there some wars now worth fighting some tears now worth crying now..."
- Lyfe Jennings

*WEEKS GO BY SINCE Twan's moved*

He and Jade's relationship isn't how it was before his family lied to him though. Jade thought that they'd eventually go back to how they were before all that happened, but quite the opposite happened. One day he just stopped responding to her calls and text, he'd even unfriended her on Facebook. 🤷🏾‍♀️😑 It was crazy how it happened because one day they're planning their continued future together and laughing about no one could break them up if they tried them the next they're no longer speaking.

             Considering the fact that she'd done nothing but support him in all his decisions and held him up when he couldn't bare it alone, Jade was at a loss for words and completely shocked that he'd just blow her off like that. Two weeks went by with still no type of communication with Twan and Jade got worried because they'd only went that long without talking when he'd humiliated her one day and made her feel like trash.

So after growing tired of being ignored while she still claimed him as HER man and the love of her life, she decided to call him from her mom's phone to see if he'd answer to the unfamiliar number. After ringing twice, he answered and Jade was so shocked that she didn't speak for a full three minutes while he kept saying hello -- she was so overwhelmed she hung up. She's had everything she planned to say and ask in her mind perfectly but it didn't come out, he called back though still not knowing who it was that had called him.

Jade asked everything she needed to and it confirmed the worst, he'd no longer wanted to be with her and didn't know how to tell her so he just planned on ignoring her forever. His EXACT words were (I'm stepping out of the Jade character role for this because this deadass hurt MY whole soul and whenever I think of the words my heart stops for a minute because I believed in us.)  "When I left Clarksdale, I left Clarksdale in Clarksdale."  

"You never get it, I'm stressing You like a marriage. I thought that he would stay but he left and I'm so embarrassed. 🤦🏾‍♀️"
- Tink

Now I couldn't believe the words that I'd heard so I asked him four times what he meant and when it broke it down for me, I broke with that sentence. It was like the life I had planned so well and perfectly for us fell apart and couldn't nothing anyone said or do fix it so I hated MYSELF for giving him a third chance to break me, I hated myself for letting him have that power over me again though the signs weren't there this time. 😭💔

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