Blood-Red Demon

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Walking in silence, my Dad followed me to the woods about five spaces behind me. Honestly- I was frightened. My skin seemed to crawl when I saw the tree-tops, it was frightening but as the same time welcoming. 

"Dad, I'm scared." I whispered, as if the woods could already hear.

"Don't be, honey. It's going to be OK, you'll see that it's not real."

I 'humphed' and walked faster, wanting to get it over with. I'd shouted earlier- what if the creatures were mad? As we rounded a corner and we could see the entrance, I clenched my fist in the hopes that it wasn't real... but what would I do? Would I be just as crazy? I don't know, but I guess I was about to find out.

"Through here." I said, letting him go first. My voice broke and my lips chapped.

Walking in, it looked different to when I'm alone. The sunlight actually reached the ground, green seeped through the brown and grey... had this been there before? I heard Dad laugh to himself- and I pouted. But we still walked through the memories of my childhood fears, wordless.

When we reached the clearing, we just stood in the middle. Something seemed to crawl up my spine, was it anticipation or horror? No-one would tell me, I guess. Dad asked:

"No monsters so far, Des. Where do you normally find them?" 

Licking my pale and chapped lips, I tried to wet my bone-dry mouth so I could speak. Between cold shivers, I noticed the crawling under my skin rippled through me over and over again. "D-dad... Hold-d me." I whispered and whimpered at once as I sunk to the ground. This has never happened before. A sickening sensation commenced in my stomach, a mixture of pulling and cramping. Dad took quick strides towards me, kneeled down and held me as I rocked back and forth.

"Destery? Are you OK? Do you need to go home?" Panic struck in his body language and voice.

"Oh, NOW you care?" I hissed. The voice wasn't my own, but it seemed to be a part of me. Tears pooled and my vision blurred as I crawled flat on the floor out of Dad's grasp. I started shaking violently- and Dad started pulling his hair in angst of not knowing what to do. "DAD!" I screamed- I was going to say take me home but my mouth refused to let me form the words. Something was inside of me, and it was hungry.

"Destery! Just.. Hold on while I call Mum!" He started cried, and fumbled out his phone. I stopped paying attention to anything as I started to drool and the shaked became ravage and flung me from side to side. Destery wasn't here anymore.

"Vult diabolus rubrum puella" I hissed, and started screaming whilst crawling towards the trees. My red hood was caked in mud and grass- much as my mind was caked with evil screaming and vile thoughts. Savage- I threw myself to the nearest rock and started to hiss hymes at it. 

My body wasn't my own, my thoughts cloaked with death and hate. Spirits and shadows laughed at me from through the trees... I couldn't stop myself, whatever was possessing me made me do it. I smashed my head against the boulder.

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