Blood-Red Possession

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The grass was soft, welcoming me into certain calmness. I love this place, it's so calm.

The grass was ragged, reminded me of how I should turn back... I hate this place, it's frightening.

This is such a great idea, I want to stay here forever... I am a daughter of the woods.

This is such a bad idea, I really ought to turn back... What about my Mum, and family?

Two parts of my brain tore apart, half of it already stolen and absorbing the evil thoughts. Although I'd only taken one step, it seems like I'd walked a thousand miles as my legs buckled from beneath me. You love this feeling, face it- you feel important here. -No! I want to go home, but I have to end this. You'll never end this, Destery, the woods needs a mind like yours. -Let me go! 

My soul seemed to want to escape from inside me, rebounding on all the empty feelings I was feeling. It hurt, so much. Contracting, my stomach churned and my body forced me to crawl into the trees. Terrified, I closed my eyes and let it take me to where it wanted me. If only I could fall to sleep and let it do what it will with my empty shell of a body... this isn't my body anymore, it belongs to the shadows.

Opening my eyes, I found myself in the dark shadows of the trees. How quickly did I get here? I don't have much time to think, because I could hardly ask them... Who, Destery? - Why, the shadows forming around me, the voices speaking to me. 

"Acer...adduco...voluptarius..."  Voices whispered, but my head was staring to throb, and I was loosing every chain of thought... the thing inside of me taking over... "Tribuo vestri cruor ut umbra!"

Odd words stood out as my brain felt like it was combusting... but it was getting dimmer... dimmer... nothing made sense... I couldn't think... The world was shrinking and escaping from my fingertips... Pain the last thing I could comprehend.


A/N: The next chapter will hopefully be up soon! This is short, and I'm SORRY!!! This isn't something you can really drag out, you know? The next chapter is going to be her Mum's point of view... you may be surprised. ;) Thank you everyone, for every ounce of support.

Blood-Red Riding HoodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora