Chapter 29 - Xander

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Forty-five days before....

"I'm sure you know that Terra comes in today," Byligan grunted as he flipped through a file of papers she left the other day.

"Do I?" I wondered, tossing a rock I kicked up from the floor up in the air to catch it before throwing it up again.

Byligan ignored me per usual. "Dr. Balcom wants to know how you're taking to her.

"How I'm taking to her?" I asked

"Yes. Do you like her? Are you finding her to be suitable for her position?" he asked.

I caught the rock and looked blankly at him. "Why would any of that matter?"

"Well, she's going to be around you for a while."

"But you've been around me for a while and no one asked me how I was taking to you."

"That's a little different, Experiment X."

"Is it, though?" I asked, sitting up and holding the rock tightly in my hand. "She is just another doctor, right? What am I to care?"

"She's not quite a doctor yet."

"Okay, well, regardless. I don't care."

Byligan sat back and tilted his head up, watching me from under his nose. "Alright," he said, breaking the silence. "Today, she will be with the injection team leader, Dr. Jenner, who you'll be seeing later today. I was given the surgery interns."

I rolled my eyes. Fantastic.

And just as I thought my day couldn't possibly get any better, a group of the interns I recognized from the first day walked in the room slowly, like they were wondering if they had the wrong room.

At the front of the pack stood Chesil.


His eyes squinted at me as he pressed down a smile.

I matched his gaze but made sure I wasn't smiling back. I was not up for his shit today.

"Welcome," Byligan said to them as they all found seats around the control panel. "Today you will be studying Experiment X's phsychology. I am your team leader, special Agent Byligan."

They all said shy and intimidated hellos.

I smirked. Newbies.

"I will be talking to him most of the time, so I suggest taking notes and observing his behavior. You can elaborate on those notes and formulate your own questions after today for next time you're on my rotation," he instructed.

I layed back down on the ground. This was not my day (and really, all of these days haven't been my day) and the last thing I want to do is entertain these kids. Especially fucking Chesil.

"Good morning, Experiment X," he chimed. "How are you doing?"

Empty. Unamused. Bored. Scared. Tired.

"Not bad," I answered.

"Good. Anything on your mind?"



"Alright, well--" Byligan started but was interrupted.

"Experiment X, do you ever miss your home?" a voice chimed in.

I knew exactly who it was when he spoke. I sat up and glared at him. "Oh, look who it is. Our very own playground bully. Welcome back, Bucko. Never thought I'd see the likes of you again."

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