20. Spill

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Fear radiated off of Alex as she shook vigorously. I had never raised my voice in this kind of manner. It not only scared Alex, it scared me as well. "P-please don't make me tell you." She stammered out. Before I released her and took a step back.

This was serious.

I stared into her eyes and gave her a pleading look. "Alex please. As my friend, I am asking you to tell me what I don't know." She bit her bottom lip and nodded. "Okay, follow me." She lead me into an empty guest room.

Once inside she sat down on the edge of the bed. She patted the seat next to her and gestured for me to sit next to her. I was having second thoughts about this conversation and was ready to say forget it and leave, but I knew the unknown would eat at me. I took in a deep breath and made my way towards her.

The moment I sat down she took my hand in hers. She took a deep breath then spoke, "Titus went through a rough patch after finding out you were his mate. And Lily was always power hungry." I knew where this was going and I didn't like it one bit. Neither did my wolf as she growled lowly in the back of my head.

She squeezed my hand reassuringly. "They slept together after Titus's visit from your pack." I ran my hand over my face and sighed.

I don't know what hurt more. The fact that he slept with Lily or the fact that he slept with another knowing I was his mate.

Tears began to blur my vision. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Alex wrapped her arms around me. I knew Titus could feel my pain, and would come looking for me after a while. "Titus can explain it better than I can. I-It's really not my place."

I shook my head. "I don't care." Tears ran down my face like a stream.

Brinn? Titus's voice ran through my head.

His voice made me cry even harder. Brinn what's wrong?

I stared into Alex's eyes. "You should go, Titus will be here soon. I don't want you getting in trouble." She nodded then stood, bringing me into one last hug before she left.

When the door to the room closed, I brought my hands to my face. I began to cry uncontrollably, ignoring Titus's pleads. It felt like my heart was being shattered into pieces. Only Titus had the power to break my heart, and that's exactly what he did.

I held my hand to my chest and my wolf howled out in pain. She felt the same as me...



The door to the room swung open, revealing Titus, Ryan, and Al. I stood and back away from the three. Titus walked towards me slowly. His face held concern and worry. "Brinnley?" As we stood there face to face I pushed my pain to the side as anger began to cloud my vision.

He reached his hands out for me and I snapped. I don't what came over me, but before I could stop myself a loud ringing noise echoed through the room as my hand came in contact the side of his face. His head snapped to the side.

Ryan and Al's eyes went wide as they held similar expressions.


When Titus turned back to face me, his eyes were gold and his canines were out. Maybe it was the adrenaline running through my bones, but I refused to back down. I stared him in the eye, challenging him. "LEAVE!" He ordered to Al and Ryan, not taking his eyes off me. They both shot me looks of pity before they rushed out of the room.

"Stand down now! I will not ask again!" He shouted.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Did you sleep with Lily?!" He stared at me wide eyed. His expression quickly changed as guilt took over.

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