21. Walk Away

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Brinn POV

When I woke, I had a major headache. Sitting up, I ran my hands through my unruly hair. I looked out of the window and noticed that it was still night time. I couldn't have been asleep for too long, an hour at most.

Memories came flooding in my mind, of the previous events. I instantly knew I couldn't stay here anymore. Titus was different, he wasn't the same wolf I grew up with. It scared me.

I tore the bandage off of my neck, causing me to wince a little. I shuffled out of the bed and made my way into the closet. After throwing a bunch of my clothes into my Adidas duffle bag, I knew Titus would show up at any minute and I had to be quick about it.

When I was fully packed I crept down the stairs slowly, careful not to make any loud noises. Ryan was asleep on the couch with his hand over his head. I held my breath as I stepped off of the last step. After tip-toeing to the door, I swung it open and made a dash for it.

I mentally groaned when I realized my car was still parked at the pack house. I ran as fast as my feet would carry me, sighing in relief when the pack house came into view. I ran towards my car and pulled the door open. "Brinn?" I instantly froze.

I turned around to come face to face Seth. He shoved his hands in his pockets as he studied me quizzically. "Uh hi Seth."

"Where are you going?" He furrowed his brows.

I shrugged. "Just out." I said, lying through my teeth.

He pulled his hands out of his pockets. "Are you running away?" I sighed then nodded slowly, no point in lying anymore. I was holding a freaking duffle bag with my things in it. He reached his hands out. "Come on I'll take you."

My eyes widened. "R-really?" This seemed too good to be true so I eyed him suspiciously.

He nodded. "Get in before I change my mind." I pulled him into a hug. "Thank you."

He wrapped his arms around my waist. "You're welcome, now let's go before alpha finds out you're missing."

We both scrambled into the car, my heart beating fast in my chest.  Seth started the car then backed out of the pack house. I relaxed a little when we started driving down the road, although I wouldn't relax completely until we are off of pack lands. Better yet hours away.

A devilish roar erupted through the air that had Seth and I both looking at each other with wide eyes. He slammed on the gas, causing me to sink into my seat. This was bad.

BRINNLEY! I stilled as Titus's voice entered my head.

Where the f*ck are you?!

Seth noticed my long stares into the distance and spoke up. "He's talking to you through mind link isn't he?" Seth asked. I nodded slowly, confirming his suspicion.  He tightened his grip on the steering wheel and drove faster. "F*ck! Just block him out Brinn!" I bit my lip as my wolf and I held an internal battle with each other, neither of us wanting to give in.

I'm not doing this anymore Titus, just let me go...

Tears begin to stain my face as I took a deep breath and stared down at my lap. Because if you don't, I will never forgive you. I could feel Titus pain seeping through my bones, not being able to handle the overwhelming feeling of both of our emotions combined, I blocked him out.

A lone howl was heard off in the distance followed by many other howls.

Seth placed a hand on my back, causing me to snap my head in his direction. "We're no longer on pack land." I sighed, then rested my head against the window.

The Claim ✔️ *Editing*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt