Twenty-Seven: Pants on Fire

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Absolute jam linked above. Best duet in history (aside from every Klaine one on Glee ofc)

2023 edit: please ignore everything that past Emma has ever said

Newt led the whole way to the Homestead, pushing through the crowd of onlookers in the doorway, and making their way down the hall to the medjacks' room.

The whole time, Trace was planning what she'd say to Teresa when she saw her.

'Hello, betrayer," could work. 'Don't touch Tomato," was another possibility.

Her favourite was 'Hey look, it's the WICKED witch of the west'.

But when Newt stopped her outside the door to that room, which she knew was the only thing separating her and Teresa at that moment, Trace felt every possible greeting leave her mind. None of them were good enough.

"You okay?" Newt asked.

Trace just sighed.

"C'mon, Ace. We'll interrogate her together. Anut style. You and me," Newt paused, considering this for a second. "But don't actually interrogate her," he added. "Be nice."

Trace scoffed. "Be nice? What if she's a horrible cow?"

"She can't be bloody worse than Captain Gallywag."

On any other day, Trace would have laughed, but this morning's encounter with that shank had left a mark on her. It was as though she could still feel his hands gripping her shoulders, holding her back. She shuddered.

"Speaking of Gally," Newt continued, reading her mind. "We need to talk about him later. I heard what happened between you two this morning."

"Great. I look forward to that conversation." Trace rolled her eyes before placing her hand on the doorknob and slowly opening the door, filling the room with a loud creaking sound.

And there she was. Teresa. Sitting cross-legged on the bed, watching the door open with wide eyes, trying to look innocent. Trace knew better than to fall for that.

"Hi," said Newt. "I'm Newt, I'm the second-in-command here." He gave a small, awkward wave. "And this is Trace. She's...well...she's a girl too."

Trace barely heard Newt; she was too busy focusing on the look in Teresa's eye. The knowing look in Teresa's eye. She definitely knew Trace. She'd tried to hide it, but there was no way Trace could miss the flash of recognition, quickly followed by confusion, which she then amplified in an attempt to cover up. Trace saw it all.

"You can go, Nut," she said.

"Ace, are you sure you don't want me to stay and-"

"Yes, Nut. I'm sure. I can explain everything she needs to know." She turned to him as he headed back to the doorway. "Thanks, though," she smiled. He smiled back, nodding at Teresa before leaving.

Now Trace's focus was entirely on Teresa. Entirely. She wasn't sure which approach to take, and was considering this carefully when Teresa spoke up, relieving her of the burden of making that decision for herself.

"You know," Teresa stated, staring straight into Trace's eyes. "I can see it in your eyes. You know me."

Trace scoffed. "Sure do. A little too well, in fact. And I get the feeling you know me too."

"So you remember then? You remember before?"

Trace frowned, not entirely sure of what Teresa meant. "Not exactly. But I know just as much as you do. And more. I guess the only part I don't know is why I know it. And why I'm here."

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