Forty-One: Knife to Meet You, Ava

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"Who are those people?" Chuck whispered. His voice wavered and Trace wanted nothing more than to cuddle him and tell him it was all going to be okay.

Of course, she couldn't promise that.

"The Creators," Minho spat. "I'm gonna break your faces!" he screamed at them, so suddenly that Trace actually jumped. She got over her initial fright pretty quickly, thouugh.

"Me too!" she yelled, taking a step towards the glass. "I'll make you sorry!" Newt slowly grabbed her arm and pulled her back before she could say any more.

"What do we do? What are they waiting on?" Thomas asked.

Trace knew exactly what they were waiting on, and if she was going to stop it from happening, she was going to have to act quickly.

"Pretend I'm not here," she urged the others.

"What are you-"

"Don't speak to me, don't acknowledge me, don't even look at me. Got it?"

Before anyone could answer, Trace made for the only door in the room and stood in the corner right beside it, hoping the others would trust her. She pulled a mass of wires in front of her, hiding herself from view, and remained as still as possible. Nobody followed or acknowledged her.

Then the siren rang out.

It was a deafening sound, low and repetitive, and it echoed through the room, continuing for about thirty seconds before the door beside her swung open.

The room went silent, and Trace could just make out the two figures that had entered. She shuddered at the sight of one in particular. Long black pants, a white blouse, and hair pulled back into a bun.

Ava Paige.

She wanted to spring into action now, but knew it would only be in vain. She had to wait. She had to be patient. Then Ava Paige could pay.

Trace knew the other figure too. He had a hood pulled up, obscuring his face from view, but Trace knew. It was Gally, no doubt about it.

Still, she resolved to be patient and strike only when the time was right.

Ava Paige waited, her gaze scanning the room, and Trace worried for a minute that she might turn back and spot her, or notice that she was missing from the group. Thankfully, neither of those things happened.

"Welcome back," she finally said, breaking the silence. Her voice was raspy and shrill. Trace hated it. "Over two years, and so few dead. Amazing."

Trace had never wanted to punch anyone more in her life, and she'd met Teresa, so that was really saying something.

"Excuse me?" Newt asked. Trace so wanted to hug him right now. He looked so shucking cute when he got mad. Then she remembered exactly how offensive Ava Paige's words would be to him, in particular.

Fury flooded her veins, and she could feel herself reddening.

Wait, she had to tell herself. Your time will come.

Ava Paige locked eyes with Newt, speaking only to him now. "Everything has gone according to plan, Mr Newton. Although we expected a few more of you to give up along the way."

Do. Not. Punch. Her.

It took every ounce of Trace's being not to jump out now and ruin her plan. She'd never hated anyone more in her life. How could she treat them this way? Knowing all that they'd gone through?

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