Mutual Hate

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This chapter is dedicated to my friend Mr.White whose birthday is today. As I can't give you a gift in person, I thought to surprise you by updating a chapter.

Clarissa POV

        "Go and lie down on the bed" he didn't requested no, his tone was far more colder than a request, it was clearly a command.

     I was shaking with rage and fury, how dare he? "Listen you Mr. I don't know what you think of yourself, but listen one thing very carefully, I'm not a whore or a prostitute who goes around pleasing men. Just because you helped me doesn't mean that I'll do whatever you'll say" I yelled most of the part, gritting my teeth to help me not to lose my thin temper.

     How dare he? How dare he demand me such an awful thing? Do I look like a slut or a whore? No, I don't then how could he say that to me and that too so simply, just because I'm in debt to him doesn't mean he'll do whatever he likes with me.

     He didn't replied nor looked my way, just kept looking straight ahead, behaving like he didn't heard me.

    "Are you even listening to me" I screamed really very loudly to make the words fall on his deaf ears but instead of answering me he folded his hands around his chest which made his muscles pop out, I got distracted by it but nevertheless I came to my senses.

    I was burning with rage at his lack of response and when I had enough with his silence, I hold out my hand at him to shout but I stopped midway as my eyes fell upon the oversized black shirt sleeves, which made me frown and I looked down at myself but when I did my lips twitched up a bit as an idea formed in my head.

    "So what are you then a rapist, who take away girls innocence and rip them apart mentally and emotionally?" My idea was too mock him, anger him to speak his real intentions and it was working too, it's not like he shouted or told me anything it was the clenching of his jaw which told me that I was hitting the right nerve.

     "You are so full of yourself that you don't mind asking the girls permission who's cloth you change and I know you love to change women from their clothing especially when they are unconscious so that they can't struggle against you" his jaw twitched more powerfully and I could see his hands tightening, I patted myself mentally, but the game is over now because I'm agitated beyond limit.

      "How dare you? How could you do this? Don't you have any shame? How dare you touch me and change my clothes and that too while I was unconscious, then when I couldn't do anything? Didn't your inner self yelled at you or it is shameless just like you, if it is then that wouldn't be a surprise. When you saved me from those blood lusted rogues, I thought maybe you're a good man but no you are just like other men, couldn't you control yourself, are you that weak that you can't control yourself when you see a woman? I thought you saved me to help me but no, you did it so that you could take advantage of my weak state. You are a bloody sick bastard and a_"I wanted to scream loudly, I wanted to show him how aggravated I was, I wanted to chop his ears off by shouting but a strong and vice grip on my neck contradicted my thoughts, I looked down to his cold hand choking my neck but not applying much pressure to kill me just that much to scare me. And it worked as my eyes widened with horror and my mouth dried off any remaining curses, my eyes made a connection with his deep purple pool like eyes and a shiver ran down my spine as I looked directly in his eyes, which held nothing, no emotions, no rage, no anger, no guilt, no shame, nothing they were plain dead.

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