Love and Tears

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A quick recap: Clarissa confesses to him and he accepts but he feels forced and admits that he did that just to teach her that love is a useless emotion and blah blah. They argue as always and she opposes him saying she will not back off. They spend time together and get closer before she asks him to celebrate her birthday with him but he rejects. (Ah, this heartless man! ) She says she will leave and that's when this idiot realizes and clears his doubt later and asks her to wait for his answer. (Really, this douche bag! ) So, she stupidly waits and then he surprises her to a dinner where they share the stories of their scars before he kneels to propose but before she could accept she faints. I hate this writer! Just at the right mome- Wait! I'm that damned writer! F*ck!


Just to clear something that I know some people will find useful. The writing in italic is actually a dream sequence. Enjoy then!


Clarissa's POV

When my eyes opened, I looked around searching for him while I touched my stomach but I couldn't feel any blood. I was relieved and as the anxiety wore off only then, did I notice the strange silence and the absence of light.

I was enveloped with thick darkness. Even with my werewolf sight I couldn't see anything. I thought I was still sleeping or my eyes were closed but when I touched them, they were open.

Bewildered, I tried moving around and I could without any pain walk around easily. My confusion deepened but checking my surroundings was my first priority.

I called out "Mr. Sylvester?" but it echoed back to me with no answer at the end.

Panic, fear and dread surged through my body as I called out again and again, louder than the last time but there was no reply. There was no sound, no sight, nothing.

For a moment, I felt trapped but I couldn't tell where. I only believed it when I realized that no matter how much I ran, no matter how much I yelled there was no way out and there was no one to return my words.

Mr. Sylvester would never abandon me at such a place especially after what happened. I contemplated various reasons and places why I could be here but nothing came to mind. Also, I don't feel any pain which is surprising.

I tried to find a wall or some object with my leg but again it felt as if there was nothing for miles and miles. It didn't feel like I was walking on grass or a bumpy ground though but a smooth well-constructed path still, I couldn't tell where I was exactly.

I was in the middle of figuring out my location and also, trying to reach Mr. Sylvester as mind communication didn't seem to work for some odd reason when suddenly, I heard a child's giggle echoing and then fading in the background.

I jumped startled and abruptly turned towards the direction of the voice but it was still very dark and silent.

"Hello, is anybody there?" but it echoed back just like earlier with no answer from the other end.

I'm sure I heard a child's I hearing things now?

I wondered but then I heard it again, only this time it was much closer and deeper.

The child laughed while running around somewhere before it faded and went silent again. Had I heard a child's voice in another situation, it would've felt cute but for some reason it feels unnerving and creepy now.

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