Information: CoRoT-7b

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CoRoT-7b is the first rocky exoplanet (Planet orbiting another star out of our solar system) discovered. It is known as a Super-Earth, Located 480 light years away, It weighs 5 times the mass of our Earth. It is 23x closer to it's star than Mercury which brings it's surface temperature to hell. It reaches over 2204° Celsius (4000° Fahrenheit). This planet is tidally locked with it's star, like our moon, meaning that one face always faces it's star, and the other side is in complete darkness where the temperatures can drop down to -212° Celsius (-350° Fahrenheit).

(Excuse the Australia shape on the hell planet

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(Excuse the Australia shape on the hell planet. I have no idea why it's there)

This planet is somewhat believed to be the leftover rocky core from a former and larger gas giant which had it's atmosphere evaporate. If it is, it would be the first one a kind to be discovered. It's extreme hellish heat is so hot that it can vaporise rock! It's atmosphere can have weather systems that can cause pebbles to condense and fall out of the sky and rain rocks into the molten surface of the hell planet. It is very likely that this planet was once a larger one, but is now evaporating and melting before us.


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t is likely that this planet will soon evaporate and disappear or be consumed by it's parent star.

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