19. Chaotic Afternoon

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To my dearest Ritika, my little bundle of magic.

Massi loves you... Keep smiling always.....


Friendship isn't about who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life and said, 'I'm here for you.' And proved it.



In the last chapter of Someone's Forever

[Calling Out the Soul]

Niera's POV

"Who said I suffered a heart attack?" he ignored my suggestion with his question while raising his brow.


"I mean who informed you about my cardiac arrest?" this time he asked slowly, clearing pronouncing each of his word.


"Mr. Valentine." I replied nonchalantly but inside my heart fluttered at his mention.

Stupid heart!!

"Majesty!" he slightly jerked from his chair, his complete attention on me to which I nodded slowly.

"How?—when?" and here it goes.

I told him about his visit on midnight where he informed me about their cancelled trip and the reason behind. I efficiently omitted our discussion on darkness, though it wasn't a necessary detail to be discussed with everyone. I apologized him for the inconvenience they faced due to me, I was really feeling guilty.

The look on his face changed gradually, different emotions passed on his mature face. From curious to shocked, confused to amazed, at last he settled on amusement while shaking his head instinctively.

Leaning forward in his chair, he sat attentive while focusing his intelligent gaze at me, "Child, you don't have to apologize for anything. Some things aren't in our hand, it wasn't your fault. Don't blame yourself or feel guilty. In fact I'm relieved, that meeting was just a waste of time." He turned the atmosphere from thick serious to light which his experienced words and aged humor. I couldn't help but chuckle at his words and feeling grateful for his words and wisdom.

"So the meeting was not important?" I couldn't help but ask, after all it was project related to penguins. But soon pursed my lips, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude."

Sir Gerard gave me his heartily laugh, probably at my killer curiosity but answers anyway.

"I just gave you the power to question and encroach in the limited matters of the company and I must say you're using them very efficiently." He paused for a moment and continued, all the traces of humor left his wise features, once he continued, "The business affair we were going to deal with that day was very important." His face turned grim till he concluded. We sat there in utter silence, he seems to be lost in deep thoughts and I was fidgeting to feed my hungry curiosity.

"Is everything alright, Sir?" I asked breaking the thick layer of icy silence.

"Yes, it will be Child."

"It has to be." I continued with a confident smile, "Whenever we were in problem or crises, Mum used to give us strength through these words. It was like hope tonic for us to work harder until we solve whatever problem we are facing." I explained.

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