63. Tussle to Throne

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Happy Forever Tuesday!

Super long for the delay!


When written in Chinese, the word 'crisis' is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other represents opportunity.

— John F. Kennedy


In the last chapter of Someone's Forever

[Trust is Essential]

Niera's POV

Taking the photograph in my hand; I analyzed the smile of her serene face.

Beautiful smile; playful eyes; a face screaming volatile flippant personality blended with maturity!

She is beautiful! Her smile is very charming!

Jerry's chuckle penetrated my accessing gaze on Sahira. I glance at him only to find his eyes on her smiling face.

"Indeed! But you haven't seen her when she laughs; I used to tease her for that."

"Why?" I asked with a frown and smile making a way on my face simultaneously.

"Because her laughter was carefree, unaffected from the world living in the moment laughter, that brings the world to smile along with her." he implored recalling his memories.


"Just like Aunt Bambi!" a soft squeal resonated buried in grief; it gained my attention and pierced my heart.

Turning we witnessed Tiara standing there in her white night pajamas. A long lost expression of longing marring her face.

Absolute stillness surrounded in atmosphere and shock gripped my conscience.

Her face was fallen and drenched in sadness. Her big eyes were moist; holding her pain through her tears.

"Tiger." I whispered looking at her gloomy face.

She came bouncing on her feet, too eager to climb on her father's lap.

Taking the frame from my hand; I found her gazing at the smiling face of her mother.

The grief of her didn't need any words for explanation; I could distinctly feel it through her shaky breaths.

I placed my hand on her hand that was caressing her mother's face.

"Momma calls me Tiger." she whispered in a broken tone which shattered my heart into million pieces.

"Only Sahira, others were forbidden to call her with this endearment." Jerry provided to my shaken self an explanation which I took time to consider and comprehend.

I shifted my heavy gaze to his gloomy face which was offering a smile of his in the moment.

My mind drifted to the memory of that day when I first met her; the first time she called me Aunt Bambi and I asked her by which name she wants me to call her. The hesitation and moist emotion in Jerry's eyes was clear and readable when I proposed this name, 'Tiger'. His denial and rejection but Tiara's jumping and insisting for using the same endearment.


"Shall we?" Jerry asked.

"What shall I call you?" she asked suddenly, her words halted Jerry's step.

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