Getting to Know Bruce

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It’d been two weeks since Bruce had come home, and Anna still hadn’t warmed up to him. He was up to something, always going out with Alfred when she wasn’t looking. Even though she didn’t want anything to do with Bruce, she was still curious as to what he and Alfred were up to. But she really didn’t have the time to go spying on them with all her testing and trying to keep straight A’s in her advanced classes.

She’d managed to keep the paparazzi from getting front pictures of her, and hadn’t let them follow her to her school. She actually missed a whole day of school the week before, trying to ditch those jerks. She’d convinced Bruce to bribe them, and make sure they didn’t come anywhere close to her again, although her friends were growing suspicious ever since Bruce had shown up at their school looking for her.

Anna rubbed her temples, trying to get rid of her head from studying. She’d been lying on her bed for the past hour reading Romeo and Juliet, memorizing as many things she could. Before that, she’d been trying to memorize all the verbs in French. Anna pushed away the book her eyes aching from all the reading they had done. Getting up from her bed she decided to try and find where Alfred kept the Tylenol. Unfortunately, he never did let her know where he kept things like that, because he insisted it was his job to assist her with things such as that.

And with her luck, the time she really need a Tylenol, he was off somewhere with Bruce. After destroying six bathrooms in the second level of the mansion, she gave up and went back to her room.

“Three huge tests tomorrow and I'm only ready for two,” she groaned, “my head may hurt, but I really need to get straight A’s on this report card. I'm not going to let Bruce spend a dime on my education.” Rolling over Anna grabbed her book bag that contained her biology book. Luckily, Anna was pretty good when it came to biology. It was a pain taking two science classes, but Alfred insisted that it was a good idea. Anna read through the first three chapters, memorizing all the vocabulary words, her head hurting worse with every word.

After what seemed an eternity of reading Anna looked over at her alarm clock after finishing the fifth chapter of her biology book.

“10:30, that’s weird, Alfred hasn’t brought me dinner yet,” Anna thought aloud. Getting out of bed Anna decided to go down to the kitchen to make her own dinner. Alfred would never forgive himself if you missed dinner, Anna smiled to herself. She wasn’t even sure if Alfred knew that she knew how to cook. Being it was so late she decided just to grab an apple and some milk, a quick snack.

Heading back up to her room she heard the front door open. Footsteps came up the stair, to where she was standing. Male voices came up to her, it was only Alfred and Bruce.

“Well, maybe those should come in by next week sir,” she heard Alfred say. Anna didn’t know what he was talking about and really didn’t want to know. “So, sir, are you still planning on taking Diana out to dinner tomorrow night?” Anna stopped at the top of the stairs, Bruce hadn’t mentioned anything to her.

“Yes, what vehicle do you think I should take, one that she wouldn’t mind taking?” Bruce answered. Oh, please not the Lamborghini, Anna thought to herself, they may look amazing, but knowing Bruce, he’d bring a girl or two extra, and that didn’t leave much room for Anna.

“Something discreet sir,” Alfred laughed. Anna had heard enough. She went back up to her room to eat her food. Laying her head down on her fluffy pillow, she closed her eyes, her head still throbbing. There was a knock on the door.

“Mistress, I hope you sleep well,” Alfred said popping his head into the room.

“Goodnight Alfred,” Anna said, putting away her school books, knowing it was time for her to sleep. It was weird, when Alfred kissed her forehead goodnight, her headache disappeared. The next thing she remembered was waking up the next morning to Alfred knocking on her door.

“You’d better get ready for school mistress,” Alfred said opening the curtains. “If you’d like, I’d take you to school.”

Stretching Anna got out of bed, “No thanks Alfred, I need the exercise. Besides, you’re probably too busy waiting on Master Bruce,” Anna put some emphasis on master and immediately felt bad from the sad look on Alfred’s face.

“Mistress, if you’d just give him a chance,” Alfred said gloomily, “he really is trying this time.”

If it had been anyone else Anna would have said they were full of it, but it was Alfred. “Alright Alfred,” Anna said, “but I'm doing it for you, remember that.” But in the back of her head she dreaded the thought of trying to carry a conversation with Bruce, anger was all she could feel anytime she thought of him. And with that she got ready for school.

“Well before you go, I’ve got your breakfast ready in the main dining hall,” he informed her before leaving the room. Sitting down at her desk Anna got out her make-up box. While putting on her eyeliner and mascara, images of the periodic table flashed through her head. Today was the last day before the three day weekend for Halloween. The school dance was that night and Anna was planning on going to it with her friends after going out to dinner with Bruce. He wanted to go to some place called the Rose Café, where the food was exquisite, but was very unheard of around the upper ring of society, so hopefully the paparazzi wouldn’t show up half way through their meal.

“So, Anna do you want to hang out after school, we can get ready in our costumes together,” Dillon said enthusiastically, Anna and Dillon were in their second class of their B-day schedule, social studies with Mrs. Oldfield.

“I wish I could, but my real dad is in town and wants to spend some time together,” Anna explained.

“Wait, but you’re still going to the dance right,” Dillon said panicked, “I already told my parents you were going to spend the night after the dance.”

Anna laughed, “Don’t worry Dillon, I'm still going to the dance, I just can’t hang out after school, my grandpa’s going to drop me off at your house after dinner, okay?” Dillon smiled her blinding smile sheepishly, shaking her head in agreement.

“Girls, are you supposed to talk during a test?” Mrs. Oldfield scolded with a small smile. Luckily, she was one of the coolest teachers, so she didn’t take their tests away.

“Sorry Mrs. O,” the girls apologized in unison. The teacher gave them a knowing smile, then went back to reading her book. After everyone was done with their tests, Mrs. O said they could talk quietly. The girls discussed teenage girl things, such as who was the cutest guy at the school, and Dillon’s “future” boyfriend, Aaron Jones.

“So, guess what, I finally got a job, I almost forgot, literally,” Dillon stated, “I'm glad you can’t come over after school, because I have to work tonight before the dance. I'm so excited.” Dillon was absolutely beaming. Anna waited for Dillon to say where she was working, while Dillon zoned out.

“And?” Anna teasingly egged on.

“Oh, sorry,” Dillon laughed, “I'm working at-” But before she could finish the school bell cut her off. All the students got to their feet to head to their last class of the day.

“Wait, what did you say Dillon?” Anna shouted out to her friend now headed out the door. Anna went to follow her friend, but it was too late, as mobs of high school students shuffled on to their final class of the day, being they were on half day schedules for the day.

Getting to her biology class, Anna pushed a side what Dillon had tried to say to her and focused on her test. After everyone turned in their tests, Mr. Noriega decided to have some fun with the class, by pulling out a card game version of “Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader”.

When the bell rang, signaling that it was time for people to go home, Anna ran to here locker, throw her books into it, and rode home on her bike as fast as she could, wanting to get the thing with Bruce done and over with as fast as possible.

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