Lucius's Antidote

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The girls were sitting around the kitchen table as Alfred told embarrassing baby stories about Anna, they'd finished their dinner but weren't quite yet ready to head back up to Anna's room. Anna was having the time of her life, having a good friend like Jennifer and being able to let her know the real Anna.

"Anna, you never told me how fun Alfred was," Jennifer laughed as Alfred beamed from ear to ear. Anna's cheeks burned with embarrassment, but she didn't mind.

"Well, I wanted you to find out for yourself how fun he is," Anna said, grabbing her plate and Jennifer's, and for the first time that Anna could remember, Alfred didn't try to stop her. "So Alfred, where do you think Bruce has gone to, I haven't seen him all day?"

"Oh, probably busy at the industry," Alfred said calmly, "are you girls stuffed or would you like for me to whip you up some dessert?" Even though they were both full, the thought of dessert was just too irresistible. "Alright, how does hot fudge sundaes sound?"

"Yumm!!!" Jennifer exclaimed, and Anna laughed at her friends giddiness.

"Hey, Alfred, why don't we have that on the balcony of the master bedroom, Bruce isn't home yet," Anna suggested, thinking about the swing chair up there and of the splendid view of the stars you could get up there.

"A balcony!?" Jennifer said, "Oh, please Alfred!"

"As you wish," Alfred laughed, "I'll bring the sundaes up to you." If Jennifer hadn't jumped up and down in her seat from excitement, Anna might have waited for Alfred, but she agreed and showed her friend up to the balcony. The stars were bright, the moon half full, the night air slightly cold, but pleasant. Anna sat down in a swing chair nearest the railing, looking up at the stars. Today was going by so wonderfully, and for the first time in Anna's life, she was the one hosting the sleep over, even though she did live in this huge mansion. Anna looked over at her best friend, who was sitting in the swinging love seat, giggling delightedly. Anna just shook her head and laughed.

When Anna looked away from her friend, a movement down in front of the mansion caught her eye. Squinting down at the dim lighted grounds, Anna saw Alfred running for the garage. I wonder what he's up to?, she thought curiously. A couple seconds later Alfred drove off in one of their vehicles.

"That's odd," Anna thought a loud.

"What was that Anna?" Jennifer asked, Anna was unsure if she asking about Alfred or what she'd just said.

"Umm, I wonder why Alfred would drive off like that and not tell us," Anna spoke her thought out loud for her friend to hear. Jennifer jumped off of the swing seat, and walked over to the railing next to Anna, looking off in the direction Alfred had just left.

"Maybe he needed to get something for the hot fudge sundaes," Jennifer suggested.

"No, he would have let us know, even asked us if we needed anything special. It's not like him to rush off like that without letting me know where he's going," Anna said worriedly, "Let's go down to the kitchen to see if we can find any clue as to why he left." Anna said, already walking through the bedroom, Jennifer, with a perplexed look on her face, followed Anna back to the kitchen.

When they got there, it looked just as they'd left it, except for the boiling milk on the stove, ready for coco powder to be add. Alfred never left the house with something cooking. Anna went over to the stove and decided to make the hot fudge for Alfred. Jennifer sat down at the table, where Alfred had set three sundae glasses out.

"What do you wanting me to do?" Jennifer asked, looking around the kitchen for any hint as to why Alfred had left.

"Go stand out by the main entrance, when this is done cooking, I'll come meet you there," Anna said, stirring the coco powder and sugar together into the boiling milk. Jennifer did as she was told, leaving Anna in the kitchen by herself

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